Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! Here a year I am excruciated from vegeto-a vascular dystonia. To me p...

18.06.2004, 16:11
The dear doctor! Here a year I am excruciated from vegeto-a vascular dystonia. To me have put the mixed type, current sredne-serious. It was treated than only it is possible, to me have spent the best course of treatment what only was possible or probable in my hospital, pricked vitamins and medicines as accepted various tablets, Belloidum, betaserk, etc. nothing helps or assists. At me a vestibulopathy. I do not bear or I take out transport any, even a tram, there and then rocks to sleep. Badly I transfer or carry stuffy noisy premises or rooms where it is smoked or proof aromas. What to me to do or make? Whether tell or say many people it or this suffer or only I one? On your practice there were such cases? I dedala MRT and analy bloods, etc. all and the full order, doctors are perplexed. To me and massage did or made a collar zone and an alternating douche, but while all as. I move only on tablets from a motion desease. Very much you I ask to respond. Support is necessary to me

Goncharov M.Z.
19.06.2004, 16:20
Address to Olga Viktorovne Veselago-it doktor-otonevrolog, she writes at us at conference, in archives can find its or her coordinates.