Просмотр полной версии : Question on a cancelling (dose) of Depakinum. The child of 11 years, 34 kg receives Depakinum hr...

17.06.2004, 10:42
Question on a cancelling (dose) of Depakinum. The child of 11 years, 34 kg receives Depakinum hrono 500 h 2. The analysis of a blood: an ESR 3 HGB 130 RBC 3, 9 PLT 68 WBC 4, 7 from them Band 1 Segm 25 Limph 57 Mon 5 Eos 11 Bas 1 ACHTV 30 (the control 17).
I shall explain (do not accept for mistrust - not everyone understand)):
PLT - thrombocytes - in 3 times below norm or rate (before reception 250).
It is changed lejkoformula - a lymphocytosis (before reception in norm or rate).
Hemostasis: ACHTV in two more control (before reception in norm or rate).
The children's neurologist is silent.

Chizhikov K.I.
19.06.2004, 00:15
Change of the blood count in this case speaks about a by-effect or about an overdosage of a preparation. A question of a cancelling or correction of a dose INDEPENDENTLY DO NOT SOLVE!!! Inform the attending physician or address to other expert of the same structure.