Просмотр полной версии : Hello the dear doctor. At me a scoliosis 3 j degrees, the right part gr...

17.06.2004, 05:02
Hello the dear doctor. At me a scoliosis 3 j degrees, the right part of a thorax more left. A body ugly. Whether there is an opportunity to increase the left part and to make a body more beautiful by means of bodybuilging? What will advise in this occasion?

Solomatov V.G.
18.06.2004, 12:09
Dear Alexander, in occasion of a ugly body I shall argue. The main thing not it. Believe. On this subject we already corresponded several days earlier, esteem please. In occasion of opportunities of bodybuilging: I do not advise. Than trenirovannee the person, the more strongly, the he zhilistej. And hormonal nakachka muscles, except for the superfluous mass regenerating then in Adeps, nothing gives. Therefore the more intensively there will be your training, the relefnee there will be muscles, that will appear more clearly that structure of a body which zachem-that try "to correct", and the obesity will not correct, but will create other difficulties. Esteem please our former correspondence. Would repeat, but unfortunately it is very borrowed or occupied. Yours faithfully Solomatov Century