Просмотр полной версии : Hello. At me an osteochondrosis of a cervical department of a backbone. Constantly bo...

Larissa Jishina
10.06.2004, 05:24
Hello. At me an osteochondrosis of a cervical department of a backbone. Constantly hurts, to be turned a head. I can not focus a view, I lose orientation of movements. Vision bad, glasses or spots + 3 + 5. I suffer a hypertonia of 2 degrees. To me have made a tomography of a head. In the description it is written, that moderately expressed expansion of sulcuses of hemicerebrums, mainly in frontal lobes, tanks. What does it mean, explain please.

Suponeva N.A.
11.06.2004, 10:52
Larissa, you have not specified the age, therefore to judge that have seen at a tomography we we can not. To an osteochondrosis of a cervical department of a backbone in these changes all the same attitudes or relations have no. It is necessary to address to otonevrologu, to the expert on giddinesses and to solve the problem on purpose or appointment of the preparations reducing these phenomena. Besides and first of all, it is important, that you had a stable BP.

Larissa Jishina
14.06.2004, 09:12
The doctor, thanks for the answer. To me of 45 years, explain, please, that can mean indications of a tomography?

Suponeva N.A.
14.06.2004, 16:31
Larissa, possibly, for your age still rather early to have any expansions of sulcuses though to you anybody in fact MRT did not do or make earlier, there can be it your congenital feature? References remain former.