Просмотр полной версии : The doctor advise pozhajlusta clinic in Moscow in which can help or assist with these or it...

13.06.2004, 02:03
The doctor advise pozhajlusta clinic in Moscow in which can help or assist with this diagnosis.


On a series sagittalnyh and transverzalnyh (L4-L5, L5-S1) tomograms nizhegrudnogo and pojasnichno-kresttsovogo the departments of a backbone executed in regimens 1 and 2 are marked or celebrated vyprjamlennost a lordosis and degenerativno-dystrophic changes of intervertebral disks with presence of the central hernia of disk L5-S1 (0, 6) with kompremirolvaniem a dural bag and spinal roots S1 from both parties or sides. Bodies of vertebra or vertebrae with moderated or moderate regional priostrenijami, plural superficial cartilaginous or chondral vdavlenijami (hernias SHmorlja) in bodies of vertebra or vertebrae, alarm characteristics of vertebra or vertebrae are saved. The Subdural space without pathological signals. pozvonochnyj the channel is again narrowed at level LS-S1. A terminal department of a spinal cord and konsky a tail without features.

CONCLUSION MRT-attributes of an osteochondrosis nizhnegrudnogo and pojasnichno-kresttsovogo departments of a backbone. The central hernia of disk LS-S1

Help or Assist pozhajlusta!

13.06.2004, 07:54
Be not frightened are a disease is almost at all people. Here not the clinic is necessary, and more likely, an out-patient department. Such patients are treated is out-patient, but not in an out-patient department, certainly, and at experts.

Solomatov V.G.
13.06.2004, 23:14
Dear Evgenie, I shall send for informatsmej about an osteochondrosis of a backbone and mp to a hernia (complication osteoh-for p-ka) to us on a site. It will be easier to understand to itself from experts it is necessary to address. Yours faithfully Solomatov Century