
Просмотр полной версии : Prompt please where to me to address in occasion of periodic head...

04.06.2004, 08:59
Prompt please where to me to address in occasion of periodic headaches, there are no more forces to suffer or bear, the matter is that the head does not hurt only about 5 days in a month, laid in hospital month in occasion of loss of orientation (after a week headache I could not rise from bed and badly thought, vision practically was gone) after MR-tomographies in the summer have diagnosed an intracranial hypertensia and an internal hydrocephalus. Anomaly Kiari 2, not closed villiziev a circle, a stenosis top sagittalnogo a venous sine in the field of a sinus drain, what is it such I at all do not represent, after hospital of a pain have stopped for a month, and then have begun with the double force, analgetics dull or blunt a pain, but for a short while, in an out-patient department on a residence the neuropathologist nothing has told or said new and has sent to the treated doctor from hospital that in turn has offered repeated hospitalization, but I shall not be to lay all remained life in hospital where in Moscow it is possible to receive consultation in occasion of my state of health?

04.06.2004, 16:51
Respond me to my www. irinavin@mtu-net. ru address, and is better urgently call Moscow
513 08 33 It precisely will help or assist you

Goncharov M.Z.
06.06.2004, 03:24
What your age? The conclusion of the oculist (+ an eyeground)?

07.06.2004, 07:26
To me 31 year, to the oculist me did not direct or refer, vision at me both eyes - 1, 5 t. e. A myopia.

Dr. Shnyder. Israel.
07.06.2004, 22:17
Expansion of ventricular system of a brain is one of displays of anomaly Kiari. The changes of a sagittal venous sine specified by you can cause a chronic headache. Important for diagnostics of character of changes of venous sine of a brain carrying out MRT with a contrast agent. And, as the colleague, check of visual acuity, fields of vision and an eyeground recommended you. The qualified neurologic consultation in Moscow can be received in out-patient department NEVROMED, in district Pjatnitskoj of street. There is a site of this out-patient department on the Internet. Yours faithfully, dr. Shnyder.

Goncharov M.Z.
09.06.2004, 06:08
Survey eye dna-matters seem to the oculist before consultation. By the way, in nevromede (that's it to an out-patient department, on equipment nothing differing others) you will "pleasantly surprise tseny-their price too in a network is available.

Kushel J.V.
09.06.2004, 20:08
For JAniny:
To tell the truth, the picture described by you is 100 % the indication to INTERNAL CONSULTATION of the NEUROSURGEON (by the way, unessentially paid:-). And the symptomatology described by you strongly svidetelsvuet about indications to " active treatment " (by the way, anomaly Kiari is treated either "observation", or operations, others altenativ are not present). Advice or council to visit or attend nevromed (and at doctor Schneider, pochemu-that pathological passion to this "office") to put it mildly incorrect.... By the way, most likely at you Kiari-1, instead of two:-). Yours faithfully, D-r Kushel

10.06.2004, 19:37
Dear doctor Kushel J. ! Many thanks for your answer, but what for you recommend "nevromed" if in, the prices there averages across Moscow itself are not assured, undoubtedly academic statuses make impression, but proceeding from personal experience I am not inclined to trust degrees (at once I am sorry, I nobody wished to offend), it would be desirable to get to the practising doctor, instead of the theorist.

Kushel J.V.
12.06.2004, 10:39
Dear Yanin, you it is inattentive prochli my previous report, I any word DID NOT RECOMMEND VISITING nevromeda. With the rest in your report I completely agree:-)