Просмотр полной версии : Hello At my grandmother (75 years) illness parkinsona with very strong tre...

11.06.2004, 09:42
At my grandmother (75 years) illness or disease parkinsona with very strong tremor. She drinks "nakom" but her, and me, it seems that he not so strongly helps or assists even in decrease of a tremor. I understand that you not mozhite to recommend lekrstva. But I ask you, recommend pozhalujsto it can is necessary to adhere to the certain diet that though a few or a little;little bit to facilitate a status. And more to her and nteresno exists trvy which help or assist with this problemme and if yes that what.
In advance sposibo

The doctor
11.06.2004, 11:50
The following collecting of grasses can be used:
Valeriana, root - 2 items of the spoon
Efedra hvoshchevaja, nadzem. A part - 1 item the spoon
Krasavka, a leaf or sheet - 1 teaspoon
Levzeja, a rhizome - 2 items of the spoon
Leonurus, root - 3 items of the spoon
Camomile chemist's, tsvetki - 1, 5 items of the spoon
Fill in 200 boiled water. Insist not less than 40 minutes. To accept on 1/3 glasses 3 times a day.
The given collecting does not replace reception nakoma, and only supplements it or him.