Просмотр полной версии : C: Vitja November, 02nd 2003 00 : 29 : 51 I have called to the nevropat...

10.06.2004, 12:36

Vitja November, 02nd 2003 00 : 29 : 51

I have called to the neuropathologist he to me have told or said it is necessary to drink a root valerjanki.
Costs or Stands 60 grn. Or 15 dollars.
The doctor has told or said it for the general or common calm.
You tell or say this normal medicine or not? Whether at me after it or him the beard Will be was afraid or not?
At me the beard very much often can be was afraid, and happens what in general all the day to not be was afraid thus notice I go by the machine or car on the center to Kiev, I can play games, go to a management or manual to solve problems and thus a beard to not be was afraid.
And happens at the slightest trifles it starts to be was afraid. If to drink alcohol notice he the beard weakens or relaxs happens to be was afraid happens to not be was afraid.

By the way very much an important point: To be was afraid a beard at me by right of succession (From bati) At it or him dosih pores the beard, and to him 48 years is was afraid.

Chizhikov K.I.
11.06.2004, 02:39
Vo-the first, the root of Valeriana is not necessary so dearly or expensively. Vo-the second if the tremor is connected with emotional frustration the effect will be insignificant, in the given situation, purpose or appointment of stronger medicamental agents, if a tremor as you write, hereditary Valeriana is absolutely useless is required. A hereditary tremor treat other medicines. V-the third, get or start a case history, we do not have time to dig in archives searching for the first question of the patient.