Просмотр полной версии : Pains in a nape, the neck hurts. NSPVS to drink I am afraid iz-for ulcers, and at me 3 not...

10.06.2004, 10:21
Pains in a nape, the neck hurts. NSPVS to drink I am afraid iz-for ulcers, and at me 3 week pregnancy. To the doctor I can address weeks through 2, advise, please, that it is possible to make now? Thankful in advance.

Suponeva N.A.
10.06.2004, 21:31
Any agents applied at an osteochondrosis with the purpose of anesthesia and putting off or taking out of an inflammation (NPVS) fatally act on a stomach. Therefore in yours otjagoshchennom a case try to manage agents of local application (the same preparations, but in ointments, gels). I to tell the truth do not remember on the bill of pregnancy, but there are still forms in the form of suppozitoriev.