Просмотр полной версии : Subject: the raised or increased pressure. Kak-that has come to the therapist behind the information or inquiry and zaod...

05.06.2004, 22:58
Subject: the raised or increased pressure.

Kak-that has come to the therapist behind the information or inquiry and at the same time has asked to measure pressure. What my surprise when it on both arms or hand has appeared 160/80 was. Pulse has risen up to 90. I have bought or purchased a meter of pressure (mechanical, on Korotkov) and it began daily on some times in day to watch or keep up pressure. In a quiet status pressure practically always 120/80, pulse - 58. After 4 h kilometer jog - 120/80, pulse 90. At job behind a computer pressure can sometimes raise or increase up to 130/90. Time to the doctor descended or went still; pressure 160/90, pulse - 90, a diaphoresis, a mottled skin, a tremor of fingers. The doctor diagnosed a neurosis. Earlier diagnosed VSD hypertonic type. Age - 38 years. On a life superfluous excitability of nervous system which now was probably focused on medicine (in connection with illness or disease of parents). Serdtsabieny is not present, shchitovidka it is not increased. I accept every evening an extract valerjany, time in some days - Bellataminalum. Not bad pulse and so low, and chetvertinka pulse up to 48 for two days can lower or omit tablets operates or works lokren, but now on a background of run.

Whether it is possible to name this status a hypertonia? What can you recommend to avoid jumps of a BP?

Alexey, the doctor-neurologist
06.06.2004, 02:08
lex, likely, it would be necessary to address this question in section a cardiology on this site. The floor of all visibility, is available for you so-called " illness or disease of a white dressing gown ". Also there is a communication or connection with emotions in occasion of illness or disease of your relatives. If Lokren in you causes a bradycardia it or he should be cancelled and changed for other preparation. Treatment of an arterial hypertonia is usual begin or start with a way of life and a diet, and then already at an inefficiency of these methods appoint or nominate preparations.
If there are questions write on: diagnoz2001@rambler. ru (it is written together)