Просмотр полной версии : In dogonku The truth about who here sits you are not right, to me it is very bad...

31.05.2004, 09:05
In dogonku The truth about who here sits you are not right, to me it was very bad, and the help real it was necessary to wait, here and has come to you as to edinstvenoj for that moment to hope, that series, (from a bed has risen.. Up to crept and again to hurt or be ill;be sick). And we pay money for paid consultations and not small, what for to sit here with such attitude or relation to people - patients.

The truth
31.05.2004, 18:42
Here when you will arrive to capital of our Native land and will pay to me for consultation LICHNO-here then make a complaint.

02.06.2004, 12:26
The truth, and you that take bribes? I think, that it is time to spend operation pure or clean arms or hand in your hospital and then you will borrow or occupy in job on spetsialnosti-will sweep street being the yard keeper. If will take, certainly:-) you can take money for consultations if you are licensed and have the right to a private practice and in any way differently, darling...

The truth
05.06.2004, 12:08
Without fanaticism, dear, without fanaticism! Bribes are taken by officials. And I estimate or appreciate the help and personal time materialno-it is other question. Licenses, certainly, all est-and to feed tax services from the pocket I am not going to. So to the wrong address a bunch.