Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor. Already second time (first time was in November 20003) at me that...

28.05.2004, 00:03
The dear doctor. Already second time (first time was in November 20003) at me something strange to be created with a head. Even it is complex or difficult to describe. There are no headaches, and something as though rolls in area of the face, a nose, kak-as if under a narcosis. And so it is constant here a week. That rolls, passes or takes place. To me 41 year. There are fibroadenomas in a breast. What is it can be? It is connected with vessels, or an oncology?. Handed over analyses krovi-normal. What inspections need to be passed or be taken place? If it is possible, though assumptions, what is it can be? Thus there are pains in left to a side below a waist on 10 see Thanks

Alexey, the doctor-neurologist
28.05.2004, 10:24
Internal survey is necessary