Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At my husband (to him 33 years) were three intervertebral hernias. Odn...

11.05.2004, 04:39
Hello! At my husband (to him 33 years) were three intervertebral hernias. To one him have removed, a disk too have removed (kresttsovyj a department), t. To. He was not a subject to restoration. Now at it or him again a protrusion of the disk located above removed. Nagging pains in a leg or foot. Whether there are therapeutic methods of treatment of it or this, or operation to not manage? And whether these disks one behind another will fail? Whether the weight Strongly influences it (105 kg at body height of 185 sm)? Whether the sanatorium therapy (the husband pochemu-that in any does not want in sanatorium) Is necessary? Respond, please.

12.05.2004, 18:50
About what I always speak? It is not necessary to operate t. n. "Hernias". It is gangsterism. Here, misters neurosurgeons from the Big Road, please - results not too remote. In 33 years when the patient did not treat conservatively to operate - a crime iz-for money.

The truth
15.05.2004, 03:11
Do not read any delirium on the Internet and do not listen nedouchek-to doctors. First of all consult with operated surgeon if there are doubts in its or his competence in parallel with somebody of the same structure.

17.05.2004, 10:51
Tell or Say somebody, whether there is in Ukraine a Center on treatment of a backbone? We live in Crimea, and to Moscow on treatment to go there is no opportunity.

Center Solomatova
19.05.2004, 19:58
Dear Olga, independently gets up the husband can hardly. The operative measure has shown the opportunities. e. Any subsequent operations will lead to occurrence all of new and new hernias, down to fast fading and leaving or care from a life. In occasion of consultation of the operated surgeon: if there is no skill to treat so that disappeared necessity for carrying out of operation whence it will appear in case of when have arisen complications provoked operation? Olga, notwithstanding what live in Crimea and so forth org. Difficulties, I advise to reach us. Preliminary see our nominal site, study or investigate think. The choice is rather poor, prospects are sad. Yours faithfully Solomatov

The truth
22.05.2004, 18:04
One more next delirium with the direct purpose of earning money. Sprositte, how much is ihhnee t. n. "Treatment", and then think, that you do or make now.

The anonym
25.05.2004, 11:02
Dear The truth, it is possible to learn or find out, you are a doctor?

The truth
28.05.2004, 07:27
It is possible. The doctor.