Просмотр полной версии : Dear Suponeva N., you know, me with my complaints the neurologist posovet...

27.05.2004, 19:50
Dear Suponeva N., you know, to me with my complaints the neurologist has advised to make MRT a cervical department of a backbone, whether it is necessary to do or make it or him?
And other doctor speaks, what is it a polyradiculoneuropathy. To that to believe and what to do or make?
At me so the left arm or hand strongly grows dumb, what is it passes in a scapula and from the left party or side in a head.
What would you advise me, if I have come to you with such complaints? Thanks.

Suponeva N.A.
28.05.2004, 06:09
MRT a cervical department of a backbone.