Просмотр полной версии : Hello! A question such - often when I lay down in bed and having closed in the evening...

22.05.2004, 23:45
Hello! A question such - often when I lay down in bed in the evening and I close eyes, there is a feeling like a giddiness - kak-as if all spins and fails kuda-that. Lasts seconds. Any other sensations does not cause or cause. What is it can be? (it is necessary to note, at me an arrhythmia of heart. Probably it kak-that too is connected. As there are problems with a backbone - many years were compression fracture in district of the third thoracal vertebra back. Now an osteochondrosis and a subluxation of the first cervical).

Ekusheva E.V.
23.05.2004, 13:48
Consultation of the neurologist and additional methods of inspection (UZDG vessels of a neck and a head) will clear a situation, before it is possible to assume the various reasons podobnyh statuses.

24.05.2004, 12:01
Thanks for a prompt reply. UZDG did or made half a year back. Any deviations or rejections it is not revealed. At the neuropathologist consulted. Too any special deviations or rejections. What then can cause?

Ekusheva E.V.
28.05.2004, 01:56
Sometimes similar signs are caused with disturbance in job of vegetative nervous system, in it or this are engaged nevrologi-vegetologi. By the way not always it is enough UZDG only vessels of a neck, it is desirable to make and transcranial doplerografiju, t. e. Research of vessels of a head. In the phenomena described by you are engaged in Clinic of a headache and a vegetative pathology.