Просмотр полной версии : Complaints: vibration in a body, amplifying by the evening; a strain in legs or foots; sudorg...

22.05.2004, 09:52
Complaints: vibration in a body, amplifying by the evening; a strain in legs or foots; sudorgi in muscles of legs or foots at change of position of an ankle joint; twitchings otelnyh muscles as in vernih and the bottom extremities, and also in the field of the face, mainly a chin and nosogubnyh cords or crimps. Sensation mucous komka in a throat, its or his impossibility otkashljat. The expressed puffiness of brushes and faces. Feeling of alarm, pavor; a bad dream iz-for night nightmares. Feeling of a numbness in the field of brachiums and a cervical department of a backbone; pains in a lumbar department of a backbone and in a popliteal space amplifying in vecherne-night time. Unpleasant sensations in the field of heart; sometimes pricking or pressing pains; faults in intimate or cardiac activity. A writer's cramp in the right arm or hand. Appreciable depression of vision in current of last year. A constant cold in extremities irrespective of an ambient temperature.
In the anamnesis: osteohandroz at level 9-L1, L5-S1; back hernia T12-L1, protrusion L5-S1. The roentgen of a cervical department of a backbone was not spent. A myocarditis. proljaps the mitral valve 1 stages. An electrocardiogram: a rhythm sinusovoj - correct, the CARDIAC CONTRACTIONS RATE 65 ud./mines., AV-blockade 1 degrees, incomplete blockade of the right leg or pinch of a ventriculonector. Insignificant depression 17 oksiketosteroidov, hormones of a thyroid gland in norm or rate, obshch. The analysis of a blood and urine in norm or rate. Age of 40 years.
Please, whether prompt are my complaints displays of neurologic character, or it is necessary to address nevertheless to the endocrinologist?

Nikolay Vladislavovich
23.05.2004, 09:11
Your complaints especially neurologic harakteraharaktera. The preliminary diagnosis under the presented data - asteno-a neurotic syndrome. Optimum treatment - good selection vitamino-mineral complexes of the directed action. Be rung out to me in the evening (095 131 36 75 () 8 901 778 1902 (mob) Nikolay Vladislavovich, d. M. n., the neurologist