Просмотр полной версии : Yesterday the grandmother have put in hospital (I have learned or have found out about it or this later). Lays in surgeons...

22.05.2004, 10:48
Yesterday the grandmother have put in hospital (I have learned or have found out about it or this later). All lays in surgical unit of terribly yellow color. I at it or her one.
She old explains can nothing, doctors were not (holiday) as I have understood, something is connected with a cholic bubble (and a liver).
1. For it or her prepare for operation, she naturally resists - it is necessary to do or make? (I, certainly, shall talk with vrachem)
2. I the pregnant woman, also hope, what is it not an icterus?

22.05.2004, 16:15
At your grandmother, most likely, an occlusion of cholic ducts (a mechanical icterus, not infectious). Operation, apparently, is necessary for Her. Details in conference the surgeon. Olga Viktorovna.