Просмотр полной версии : The day before yesterday has felt easy or light;mild nudjashchuju a pain in a neck on the right, which feather in the morning...

16.05.2004, 05:22
The day before yesterday has felt easy or light;mild nudjashchuju a pain in a neck on the right which has passed under the right tonsil on a mandible in area of molar tooths in the morning. Has solved that has chilled any part of a trigeminal nerve. Turn a neck I can, but at turn and an inclination to the left a sharp pain in the field of a tonsil. I fly or treat while dry heat, but the result while is not present. What can you advise me or to itself will advise to address? Zarannee thanks!

Chizhikov K.I.
16.05.2004, 15:11
On the Internet to understand, that at you it is impossible. The doctor should look the patient. If at you is though a hint on vospolitelnyj character be ill or sick (temperature and t. The item) that thermal procedures are counter-indicative to you. If you are assured, that this pain does not concern a dentagra address to the neurologist of the out-patient department.

16.05.2004, 23:11
No, temperatures are not present also a teeth by way of.
All is peer to thanks for advice or council, and that did not know to itself precisely to address it is necessary.