Просмотр полной версии : To the girl of 6 years. Dz: the Chromosomal syndrome r (22) (a syndrome of ring or annular 22 chromosomes...

14.05.2004, 04:59
To the girl of 6 years. Dz: the Chromosomal syndrome r (22) (a syndrome of ring or annular 22 chromosomes). A lymphostasis of the left leg or foot. The turned speech understands, hears, carries out instructions, skills of game, imitates actions of adults. There is a backlog on age. proiznosit-mum, ba, on. Cooks the forecast? Whether there Is a probability of training, where, at what experts, methods of training.

Lavrov A.J.
15.05.2004, 11:28
In my opinion, consultation genetics and the children's neurologist is necessary, which you in particular, can receive in Clinic of nervous illnesses or diseases MMA and Unit of medical genetics MMA (are to the address of: Rossolimo, 11. Ph. ambulatorno-polyclinic unit of Clinic 248 6300).