Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To me of 30 years. I suffer VSD. Now, it is possible or probable with arrival of spring from...

11.05.2004, 21:53
Hello! To me of 30 years. I suffer VSD. Now, it is possible or probable with arrival of spring disgustingly itself I feel. I have got used to many signs VSD and I am able with them spravljatsja. But appear new. Recently constant sensation of an internal strain in district of a solar plexus and above. A disturbing or an alarming status. Sometimes sensation, that now I shall die. Thus nothing hurts. Sometimes, when I am strongly frightened such status palpitation begins. And more seldom there are sensations of a burning sensation in different sites of a body. To me to the neurologist? My status very much frightens me. Pavor of mors daily. Thanks.

Suponeva N.A.
13.05.2004, 14:48
Julia, to you to the neurologist, engaged panic attacks, or to the psychotherapist.

Babenkov N.V.
14.05.2004, 11:16
Will not die. Come - we shall understand.
PS: only to magicians do not go...