Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor! At me such problem, once has risen and at me about in the morning...

12.05.2004, 18:00
Hello the doctor! At me such problem, once has risen in the morning and at me arms or hand have grown dumb. Snachalo thought, that otlizhal and will pass or take place then, but here already as there has passed or there has taken place week, and I do not feel fingers of arms or hand, but move with them I can. I do not feel that I am insolent or am in arms or hand, and the coordination of movement of fingers in general is brought down. The neurologist cannot diagnose, a colitis me a needle, and I do not feel it or this. Prompt please the address of good clinic or simply explain as to treat and what is it at me with arms or hand. Thankful in advance. P. S. Can ointments is any or tablets. Advise, I am very much excruciated, even from job have dismissed!!!: - (

Chizhikov K.I.
14.05.2004, 07:01
Similar on, a so-called, sensory neuropathy. Try to address in the center nervno-a muscular pathology (street Hour the house 20 (on the basis of hospital of Ministry of Railways) item of m. the Falcon).