Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon! After nervous failure one year ago (nervous overloads, the termination or ending...

Natasha With.
11.05.2004, 22:21
Good afternoon! After nervous failure one year ago (nervous overloads, the termination or ending of university), have put me diagnoz-Vegeto a vascular dystonia, was accompanied all pains in heart, pavors, depression, strange sensations in a head, after treatments (Phenazepamum, amitriptyline) it became easier, but often happens strange sensation, as if all body vibrates, a shiver on a body, sensation as though wreaths are was afraid, and it is necessary to drink chut-hardly (100 - 200 gr), next day a pain in heart, and is afraid, what is it can be and how it is possible to get rid of it or this?, thanks, I look forward to hearing. At the cardiologist it was surveyed, the pathology is not present.

Ekusheva E.V.
12.05.2004, 01:15
Natasha to get rid of disturbances disturbing you, complex treatment (both medicamental, and not medicamental, in particular psihoerapija) + observation of the doctor, appointed or nominated is necessary for you a course.