Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To me 28 years at me were frequent headaches, nervousness and I...

Aliev .z
09.05.2004, 07:12
Hello! To me 28 years at me were frequent headaches, nervousness and I have addressed to nervopatologu, to me have made computer research head mozla and a roentgen of a backbone. At me osteohandroz thoracal and cervical and besides it or this an intracranial hypertensia with the strengthened vascular pulsation (the doctor spoke narrowing vessels of a brain) I have passed or have taken place one course of treatment (Piratsitam, Cerebrolysinum (intramusculary), nikot. An acid, Ortophenum) has passed or has taken place 12 mes at me now often a giddiness, a nausea if I shall be fidgety headaches help or assist that to me to do or make? I in dipressii

10.05.2004, 11:26
On the basis of what to you the diagnosis of an intracranial hypertensia is exposed? If probably write, that kokretno it is written in conclusion KT of a brain and R-grafii a backbone!!!