Просмотр полной версии : Nine years nazat I had a brain concussion. And now since the past...

03.05.2004, 20:50
Nine years nazat I had a brain concussion. And now since the last year at me pereodicheski the head hurts, and it is accompanied by opacification in the right eye (me 22 years). Usually all begins with "murashikov", begin a headache further. Whether it can be connected smoej by job (pains have begun after I have started to work)? I work as the programmer, and I sit at a computer of 8 and even more hours per day.
In advance thanks!

06.05.2004, 20:09
Uvazheamyj Alexander! The symptomatology described by you is similar to clinic of a migraine. It is necessary for you to spend additional ojusledovanie (REG, Eho-EG, UZDG brahiotsefalnyh vessels, roentgenography of a cervical department of a backbone) and to consult at the neurologist.
The doctor the neuropathologist, manualnyj therapist Gagarin Sergey Vasilevich.

Ekusheva E.V.
09.05.2004, 12:35
Alexander, descend or go on reception to the neurologist. Not clearly, as the colleague by one word of a migraine can diagnose and advise become outdated or out-of-date, practically not used in one serious ucherezhdenii (at us, abroad) a method of research - REG. Or EhO-EG in this situation - it is better at once MRT h'm.