Просмотр полной версии : Hello dear doctors. At me here such question: whether it is curable miaste...

08.05.2004, 14:32
Hello dear doctors. At me here such question: whether the myasthenia is curable how to treat and where it is possible to pass or take place course of treatment, city, contact and td?.
I shall begin - to the order, my wife in the beginning beremnosti was ill with this disease, have passed or have taken place small course of treatment, like as it became better, now to my wife will do or make cesarean, term has approached or suited...
Doctors speak that this illness or disease is not curable and that there would be no in the further problems, suggest make to my wife cleaning that she could not to give birth or travail, and we want still children.
2 voros As you think they pravelno offer?

Chizhikov K.I.
09.05.2004, 04:46
To your question has responded (see above).