Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! What is entsifolopatija as it or her to treat. To me of 40 years, nikog...

07.05.2004, 13:54
The dear doctor! What is entsifolopatija as it or her to treat. To me of 40 years, the head never hurted, and recently became a problem. Have made magnitno-a nuclear resonance, have put such diagnosis.
Irina. galmaty.

Chizhikov K.I.
08.05.2004, 09:46
If you yourselves well feel, treatment to you, at present, there is nothing. Conduct a healthy way of life, that's all. An encephalopathy this multiple-valued concept, I do not think, that its or his decoding than that can help or assist you.

Suponeva N.A.
09.05.2004, 03:59
It agree with the colleague, the encephalopathy is not independent illness or disease, and consequence or investigation of any reasons - traumas, hypertonias, Diabetum, an atherosclerosis and so forth Look nevertheless for the reason of the headaches. It can be consequence or investigation of emotional experiences, nedosypa, a nervous strain.