Просмотр полной версии : Hello! I am sick of a multiple sclerosis. Now for putting off or taking out spastiki pr...

07.05.2004, 15:39
I am sick of a multiple sclerosis. Now for putting off or taking out spastiki I accept Baclofenum, I accept already five
Months. It is impossible "to leave" from it or him, because
I reduce a dose, then for any reason I am nervous,
spastika amplifies also to me it is necessary to raise or increase a dose again. Now I have lowered a dose and I accept already 35 mg a day. As to me to reduce a dose of Baclofenum:
On how much mg. And for what time? Still, if it is possible,
One question: how long it is possible to accept Baclofenum
Without what or consequences for itself?
Yours faithfully, Victor.

Suponeva N.A.
09.05.2004, 01:50
Victor, you on this question do not need to consult with experts. For example, in scientific research institute of a neurology of Russian Academy of Medical Science there is a center of a multiple sclerosis.