Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor!!! Whether tell or say pozhalusta can consequences of a neuroinfection (to...

07.05.2004, 12:14
The dear doctor!!! Whether tell or say pozhalusta can consequences of a neuroinfection (which at me was in the childhood) to amaze or strike a brain, (Pituitary body)??? The matter is that, at me Gipoterioz a board. Glands. And the endocrinologist recommended to make a computer tomography of a pituitary body, because at me an intracranial hypertensia, ssuzhenny vessels in the left hemisphere a goal. A brain, venous outflow, a vascular failure, under the indication rengena-otlichaetsja intensifying of a vascular drawing is broken or disturbed. Me strongly throws aside, the head hurts. Whether it can be connected among themselves??? And whether will help or assist me constant uses L-of a thyroxine with problems with a head, with a pituitary body??? Thanks.

Goncharov M.Z.
08.05.2004, 04:36
Everything, that you opisali-has no attitude or relation to a pituitary body. And a computer tomography (x-ray) - neinformativna to a question of a pathology gipofiza-it is necessary in everyone sluchae-not the fact, the truth, that to you!-do magnitno-a resonant tomography.