Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! I had giddinesses. Has addressed to the doctor, has handed over...

The anonym
06.05.2004, 19:09
The dear doctor! I had giddinesses. Has addressed to the doctor, has handed over analyses, has passed or has taken place an electrocardiogram, has made a roentgen of a cervical department of a backbone. The doctor has informed, that at me the osteochondrosis of cervical vertebra or vertebrae and has appointed or nominated 10 sessions of the laser. After 3 h sessions there were pains in an occipital part (before them was not). In parallel I accept Cinnarizinum and pikamilon. Giddinesses became less, but absolutely they have not passed or have not taken place. Please, comment on my case history. It seems to me, that business vse-taki not in an osteochondrosis. Thanks.

Goncharov M.Z.
07.05.2004, 20:46
Make dopplerografiju (a duplex whenever possible)