Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon! I Hope, you will respond me!) one and a half year ago at me has appeared...

06.05.2004, 19:56
Good afternoon! I Hope, you will respond me!) one and a half year ago I had a hum in an ear, as if or as heart beat and sometimes a wind. I was ENT diagnosed with "genyantritis". I have passed or have taken place course of treatment. Then, ENT reshir, what is it a neurinoma of an acoustical nerve, I have passed or have taken place all researches, but nothing was obnoruzheno. The following diagnosis - sosudistaja-a dystonia of a brain. Me have sent on reception to the neuropathologist. She has looked or seen me and has told or said, that with such did not collide or face. I hear pulse of own heart and any hums. And the sound goes otkuda-that of under a carotid. I already understand nothing! There can be you will respond, with what about it svjazanno, whether there can be this serious disease and whether you collided or faced with similar cases? In advance I thank!

07.05.2004, 15:04
Pulsing hum in an ear often is connected with a pathology of vessels of a head. Survey is necessary for specification of the diagnosis. Write grutas@online. ru Olga Viktorovna, otonevrolog, scientific research institute of the Neurology