Просмотр полной версии : Hello! After the beginning of trainings in an exercise room pains have renewed...

The anonym
04.05.2004, 16:05
Hello! After the beginning of trainings in an exercise room pains 2 h years or summer prescription in a backbone (above, between scapulas) have renewed. The pain is felt at some positions of a body (I can not precisely define or determine) and at reductions of muscles (tussis, zevanie and. t.). Now the program in an exercise room excludes a vertical load on a backbone, whether but 2 years ago pains have appeared to-iz-for trainings without observation, whether to-several sessions of massage.

Solomatov V.G.
06.05.2004, 00:07
Dear (aja)...? All assumptions are equally correct and incorrect, t. To. Data very much obshchi. More in detail about an osteochondrosis of a backbone read through at us on a site, by the way there there is a mention and of trainings. If there will be questions, write. Yours faithfully Solomatov Century And in general on similar questions it is possible to respond only at internal survey of the patient.