Просмотр полной версии : Misters! And that you think in occasion of the approach to treatment here entogo the citizen...

10.08.2004, 20:55
And what you think in occasion of the approach to treatment here entogo the citizen? http: // www. alcoholism. ru

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- To mine, he maksimalist-the fanatic. However, many things which he approves or confirms, are reasonable.

12.08.2004, 03:34
In my opinion, all (if to not cling to separate words) is absolutely correct.

15.08.2004, 12:36
Me confuses here that - its or his numerous applications or statements, that alcohol is harmful in any situations and in any quantities or amounts. If he speaks it, so to say, programming the patient this or thus one if he it is valid so thinks it absolutely another.

And still me napregaet, that he levels any use of alcohol under one comb.

18.08.2004, 11:54
I am am confused more with its or his absolute self-confidence adjoining with boasting;) Well and that ethanol practically does not possess useful properties at the use inside - I perhaps agree, probably, I too the fanatic:) Its or His words, that drunkards do not exist - well, he, probably, has in view of, that there is no "drunkenness" as nosological unit is the fact; but partially from its or his words the unprepared reader can draw a conclusion, that any use of alcohol is an alcoholism; though it is direct in the text and does not affirm. About it (as well as that the alcoholism is alongside with illness or disease and "dissoluteness (?)") I and I name - to cling to words:). And basic theses and approaches - are in my opinion correct.

19.08.2004, 07:51
Alexander, thanks for the developed or unwrapped answers. Questions, as they say, more I have no.