Просмотр полной версии : I address to you for advice or council: my husband the actor, and in medium of actors it is accepted it is frequent...

09.08.2004, 19:06
I address to you for advice or council: my husband the actor, and in medium of actors it is accepted to celebrate often successful performances, but also and not successful and t. The item At my husband were already problems because of an alcoholism - it or him some times fired for drunkenness, deprived with habitation, etc. and four years ago he was coded for the first time, then and second time.... And here about 4 months ago the coding has ended also the first month he did not drink in general, then has very strongly got drunk and any more did not drink again month, some times drank ponemnozhku, and then he has solved that can supervise itself, that alcohol it for it or him not a problem.... Though recognized earlier, that cannot will stop itself and many problems in a life happened iz-that strongly got drunk and could not kontrolirovat the actions. On a subject algolizma I read much, and all taki everywhere is written, what is it incurably, and a unique way to not drink in general... We talked to the husband on this subject, it seemed to me that we have reached or achieved vziamoponimanija. But about two weeks ago he has strongly got drunk on a holiday and saws within 1, 5 day - is not clear where. And here I neznaju what to do or make.... Constantly to admonish it or him, to talk on this subject constantly it is impossible, the bore will turn out zhena-.... And probably not that I give reason, or to finish again a situation to a problem and that he has seen fetuses of the drunkenness, and has realized or it is treated or again from job will expel also habitation will deprive...
Advise what to do or make...
Or to address in the psychiatrist most and to change something in itself, I can is not correct I perceive a situation.... Also it is necessary - for another?
Or it or him to persuade all taki to visit or attend the doctor? But he does not consider or count, that there is any problem with alcohol, and to go in AA, to the doctor does not want. But in fact the problem should be solved yet in an acute stage.....
Or to code, after the next drinking-bout and zagula for some days, giving reason for that he cannot behave in arms or hand.

10.08.2004, 11:20
Mashulja! Be not too lazy to come on a site www. alanon. narod. ru - to me have helped or assisted to understand materials from this site, that I do or make not so. otilija_trine@mail. ru. Success to you!