Просмотр полной версии : Here it is interesting - the coffeine like too to narcotics concerns, and that from a coffeine...

16.05.2004, 16:19
Here it is interesting - the coffeine like too to narcotics concerns, and that from caffeinic dependence seriously suffered, I did not hear something... Or there are such cases? Actually, I therefore have asked it, that the first 3 4 months after coding have refused tea and coffee - they at me the sensations similar with " the first wine-glass " to cause steel (effect certainly for certain cleanly psychological, but all the same curious). Now the truth again I use tea and coffee in usual quantities or amounts for myself.

Grigorev M.I.
17.05.2004, 13:22
The coffeine does not concern to narcotics. To a coffeine there is an accustoming, but there is no chemical dependence.

18.05.2004, 00:24
Thanks for the answer! Clearly, I mean about a coffeine was mistaken. But about physical dependence - - to mine, from LSD too physical dependence does not happen, but mental from an once on a schizophrenia will suffice. So, unless those substances what cause physical dependence are called as narcotics only?

18.05.2004, 07:20
What is the narcotics? Narcotics are the substances, capable to cause a status of joyful intoxication - euphoria, and at regular application - accustoming and rigid dependence.

What narcotics happen? Narcotics happen the natural parentage, known from an antiquity, (marihuana, a hasheesh, opium, a hemp) and synthetic, t. e. Extracted or obtained chemical by. As narcotics medicinal substances of psychotropic group are sometimes used.

What is the narcomania? The narcomania is a status of a chronic poisoning of an organism at which the person tests an insuperable inclination to a narcotic.

What influence on the person renders a narcotic? The person ceases to feel in a status of narcotic intoxication a sincere and physical pain, there is a sensation of ease, comfort. The sensation of ease leads to loss of the control over self and loss of feeling of a reality. There are cases when to the person starts to seem, that he can jump out of a window and depart by air, etc. the Status of narcotic intoxication proceeds only when the narcotic substance contains in a blood. Infa it is taken http: // www. narkotiki. ru/christianity_183. html

Grigorev M.I.
19.05.2004, 11:49
We estimate or appreciate substance as narcotic not on euphoria or an inclination, and on ability to provoke antisocial behaviour in connection with the use. I never heard, that coffee, tobacco or chocolate have forced someone to go on a crime, and here about a hemp, "daunere", "nasvae", "ekstazi" and similar ostensibly " ne-narcotics " naslyshan...

20.05.2004, 06:20
About coffee and chocolate it agree. And here if to the chronic smoker of cigarettes to not give... I do not know, I do not know... Then, I do not speak, that LSD - not a narcotic, it is a narcotic; but physical dependence in the general or common form, he, - to mine, does not cause or cause; though it does not mean, that of it or him to get rid easier. How much or As far as I know, physical dependence is caused with those substances, which structure is similar (or it is identical) to some metabolites (to the substances always present at an organism and participating in a metabolism). So ethanol always in a blood is present and participates in a natural metabolism; opiates are similar on structure or frame to endorphines and start them to replace; the nicotine too participates in a regulation of some processes, like; too like and with amphetamines. And here about derivatives of a lysergic acid, they, like in a natural metabolism would not participate. I am mistaken?

Grigorev M.I.
21.05.2004, 13:28
Affinity with metabolites is not an attribute of reference of substance to the list of narcotics. "Lizerginka", kanabis, benzodiazepines, barbiturates and many other things have no analogy among metabolites. Ability to cause somatic frustration at an abstinence (probably it means under the term " physical dependence ") is available for all narcotics and at many nenarkotikov; though it is strongly expressed only at alcohol, opiates, barbiturates and Aethers though the last and are not carried to the list of narcotics. I shall repeat, the main attribute of reference of this or that substance to narcotics - ability to cause an obsessional inclination, that is predilection, stronger, than natural inclinations. Though, certainly, the side "is washed a little bit away or a little bit dim", and not we know all. For example GOMK and benzodiazepines are carried to narcotics only recently as predilection for them is formed only at small percent or interest received these preparations and is usual only after the long use.

VitEk - to Alexander
22.05.2004, 17:04
Be not engaged in nonsense.

24.05.2004, 09:07
Thanks for the answer, Michael Grigorevich!
VitKu: can be, on a background of an orientation of reports of the given forum it indeed nonsense. But will agree, that finding-out of physiological mechanisms though and less, but nevertheless too it is important for research of the mechanism of formation of dependences, and, hence, for research of ways to treatment of these or it. And you at once nonsense... About a coffeine - yes, the nonsense was, I admit and apologize... But about mechanisms of physical dependence - the question serious, also concerns to a subject of our forum - addictologies.

24.05.2004, 14:23
Michael Ilich, certainly! Excuse!

25.05.2004, 15:47
I shall share personal experience about a coffeine. Probably, he and not a narcotic, not I cannot agree with the thesis stated here that he does not cause or cause dependence. I "sit" on itself of years 12 and fine I know, that if I shall not accept next "dose" the degree of my powers of thinking will essentially decrease to new "dose". I can to refuse, for example, a dinner, but not from a cup of coffee. I can go kuda-nibud for kilometer to find a treasured stall in which coffee is on sale and to drink its or his double dose. I know, that if for any reasons of coffee will not be, "lomki" at me, certainly, will not arise, but I shall suffer from its or his absence. Whether it is chemical dependence, g-n Grigoriev?

26.05.2004, 22:52
And what reason, what you are interested in it or this? Simply interestingly for erudition? Probably. I in due time too have paid attention "studying" of predilection for coffee, the Internet, the TV and so forth, assuming, what is it terrible problems of mankind. This interest was gone, when has understood, that at me so compulsive bent for to binge is refined shown:) During this period I studied or investigated any medical literature on dependences. And so, true the reason of this interest was desire to prove to, that I not a toper:) it is amusing, the truth? By the way, if I shall drink 2 litres of coffee and I shall smoke a pack of cigarettes all peerly I shall not make anything such, for what will be then excruciatingly a shame.