Просмотр полной версии : Poor-quality cosmetic products and BADy

07.11.2004, 02:05
Communicated here with one old friends was the client. Sphere of its or his interests - manufacture of medical products - from substances (i.e. those operating or working molecules) up to a ready preparation.

Also it was thought to me...

As a matter of fact, I know about it or this already couple of years, but here a subject "Magrav" navejalo

The matter is that with 2006 the Russian manufacturers lek.sredstv should prosertifitsirovat manufacture under international standard GMP. Those who will not receive the certificate (and such in Russia of the order of 50 percent or interests), will be compelled or forced to reorientate manufacture.

To reorientate manufacture of medicines it is possible only on two directions - cosmetic production and BADy where demands " on quality " on three orders below, and for realization the hygienic certificate on the goods (and much we saw them original) which proves only that in the declared structure of a preparation there are no poisons or venom is necessary only

Let's share here even single instances of " unpleasant consequences " from application Russian (and not only Russian) cosmetic production and BADov, someone is possible or probable it will help or assist to avoid serious troubles.

24.11.2004, 03:34
I have practically ceased to buy the Russian preparations as their quality seems to me awful. Tablets are crumbled, aerosols or sprays badly splash.

And import medicines I try to buy in municipal drugstores or in large networks of drugstores.

Though any calm....

23.04.2005, 21:46
I domestic BADy at all do not buy - I do not believe in existence qualitative. Therefore any useful alimentary additives I result or bring only from abroad.

Subject good, with pleasure I esteem responses.

29.05.2005, 11:54
I had a representation, that the hygienic certificate guarantees only absence of immediate toxicity. And to forge it is necessary nothing - check only one party or set, and that there further.....

The information not quite official, but reliable sources.

1. At the majority of milk or dairy products with useful bacteria the formula does not allow to make the way or break through to these bacteria further a stomach. That does not stir or prevent pojavljatsja a proud inscription " Is approved by institute of a delivery of Russian Academy of Medical Science ".

2. there is such dobavochka, an iodine-assets. At check of a party or set it has appeared, that an iodine to mix have forgotten. That is 2 packings contained a toxic dose of an iodine, the others - anything.

3. Under the standard, on the additive there should not be indicatings on an opportunity of treatment of any diseases (it the manufacturer of medicines has the right to declare only) and about check of efficiency by clinical tests as for additives they simply are not regulated. If such indicatings are - the manufacturer at least dissembles. Practically all domestic BADy, fallen to me into hands, promise something to cure.

4. About Ferrejn we shall keep silent.

11.07.2005, 12:33
As the person working at the enterprise which is letting out or is releasing Russian BAD, I can assure you, that with quality assurance BAD at us (of the Russian Federation) that's all right. Certificates are checked on each party or set at each shipment. And demands to the maintenance or contents of insalubrious substances too be healthy. For example, a level of the admissible maintenance or contents of the same intestinal rod in usual black bajhovom tea above, than an admissible level of its or her maintenance or contents in fitochae. In general, manufacture of bioadditives is regulated by huge quantity or amount of restrictions and their number constantly grows. I do not know, how other manufacturers, but at us each party or set of a product passes or takes place quality check in three various instances and only after that gets on a warehouse. By the way, many our employees bravely accept production of own manufacture and treat the relatives.

14.07.2005, 17:56
, The Lord rescue or save your director and owners! But, alas, they - more likely exception, than a rule

Manufacture of bioadditives is regulated by huge quantity or amount of restrictions and their number constantly grows - by the way, now statutory acts on this subject has no right to let out or release ANY department Easier or Simply during administrative these reforms fukntsii "were somehow lost"

20.07.2005, 13:37
And who-string Evalarovskimi used preparations? To me have registered sabelnik, I understand certainly, what is it simply tincture. Has climbed on a site, and prochla what is it BADy and at them still the heap of all is..


05.08.2005, 01:59
I was confused with one fact... I have bought or purchased a bottle sabelnika with a usual tin cover, but opening top of a blister or bleb have broken up.. Another, paper packing identical, and a bottle absolutely other form and with a plastic cover and a batcher Next day has bought or purchased..

10.08.2005, 08:56
I somehow bought at Evalar tablets mumie. But I do not know, operate or work or not. But did not hurt or be ill;be sick in the winter.