Просмотр полной версии : The husband wants, that I have changed. And I cannot

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15.05.2005, 08:01
I today have quarrelled with the husband

He to me has suggested to change -be cut and be painted with henna in -red, though I by nature chesnut.

I to him have told or said, that the chemical paint my hair will be not not sustained, t.k by them too thin, and oti henna the result will be absolutely unpredictable. He has driven into me, that I of all am afraid, am afraid to live, I am afraid to vary, is constant the same, and he cannot already look neither at my jeans, nor on my long hair which I clean or remove in hvostik, and in general, I do not apply any efforts to be for it or him beautiful, have never dressed shoes on heels, more womanly did not try to become....

-yes and in general, why I learn or teach you how to be the woman? What I-woman, whether that?-was loudly .-you were indignant remember, what girls were in club? (we somehow got out on a party where was up to a fig of well-cared haughty maidens on heels) And at myself look or see! You too can become such. But you do not want! Even for me!

I have taken offence. He though time in a life tried hotjaby to rise on heels, I already am silent, that on them to go?

I to him have told or said, that any muzhik is not necessary, that because of it or him so to be excruciated.

-was clearly. I do not cost or stand! I am convenient, I can be used, and that though a droplet for the sake of me change-th it does not stand or costs.

Also has left.

Here so. And I thought, that he likes me...

Also what to do or make? I do not represent myself in a skirt, and perish the thought, in an evening dress, on heels even to stand and have not learned, though fairly tried, and in general I feel myself on a life as the boy-. To vary for it or him and to feel a dyscomfort, to play an another's role, or to remain such how is and eventually to lose it or him?

And, I am interesting to him as the person, all was super in bed... That eshchek it is necessary to him?

Sorri for confusion, emotions overflow.

16.05.2005, 04:20
There is a variant: to change so that at it or him sljuni potekli and after that to throw on figs

When he married, saw in fact what you that is all arranged! And whether now it or him see a hairdress satisfies the Another matter if you before wedding were fifochkoj on kabluchkah, and after steel with the housewife with hvostikom in zachuhannom a dressing gown - that, basically, he is to some extent right...

Be not upset and do not vary at all for someone Only if you want changes.

16.05.2005, 15:26
Excuse, if I am mistaken... But the letter of the author of a subject seemed to me any invented, "is glossy or glossy-journal", something not that....

It only to me?

17.05.2005, 07:50
The kid, you know, and I understand you. Only you understand one is well, that the husband has expressed, would be worse, if was silent. Believe, the majority simply go on the party or side and there search for the ideal on vecherok, not stating the wife of the wishes. In my opinion, conversation - an attribute of that you are necessary to him, he asks you to meet him in any measure, whenever possible. Also has put not in colour hair, how much or as far as I understand it or this. Is dark or darkly-red is and so is sexly enough. And here reproach that you do not wish to change for the sake of it or him... It is double, the kid. On the one hand - yes as inveterate gordjachka, I could tell or say to you - " Figs to him, still that - to change myself for the sake of the muzhik!!! " But... If you wish to remain with it or this the man the output or exit is obvious - dolzhnv to become you for it or him to that whom he would like to see. And here now - nuance. All business in how you will concern to it or this itself. Do not bring a attention to the question so - he does not like me such what I am. Remember, he tries to save your attitudes or relations and to improve them! And so. Heels - this such trifle! And you try or taste! Well make a new hairdress, replace a fashion, be always at a make up, manicure, enter new priyomchiki in sex, experiment. And suddenly you New will like yourself more? Otherwise, the husband all will escape to one of those... In club... Or will not escape absolutely, but will periodically run... Think above it or this, the kid. And in soul or douche remain such what HE you has once grown fond. Success.

17.05.2005, 16:26
Know, it is very difficult to advise something in such situation. All to solve only to you. You now all on emotions and when will calm down on all will look on the other hand. Listen, that to you prompts heart. It seems to me is necessary to remain of such itself what you is better feel also other person have not the right to change you. But at the same time Vai it is necessary to find the compromise with the husband. Probably try or taste pobyt alone with it or him such you what he wishes to see (heels, a make up, sootvetsvujushchaja clothes, etc.) to arrange such thematic romantic evening.

I am confident, that your husband very much likes you and predzhe all for your internal maintenance or contents. And here externally he videt is a little of you another. Men very much like to see a beautiful picture (sorri that so raspingly about appearance) as around so it is a lot of temptations. I think it is not necessary to vary cardinally, but can sometimes experiment and to please to him change for a while, and then again to become by itself. I think he will be very glad. It is possible to dress a time for it or him a skirt and low steady heels.

In general solve and necessarily talk to the husband in a quiet situation, not passing on cry and without superfluous emotions. Be frank with each other and do not become reserved.

I wish good luck! At All of you it will be good!

17.05.2005, 20:17
If you wish to remain with it or this the man the output or exit is obvious - dolzhnv to become you for it or him to that whom he would like to see.

Here with it or this personally I absolutely not agree Well if the husband has "brakes" and he really wants only small changes in appearance of the beloved... BUT And suddenly next time he will want a breast on pair the sizes more, and then legs or foots are longer, and then the third in bed... Well, etc.

17.05.2005, 21:34
Whether and he before married you blind was that? Has just now begun to see clearly?

18.05.2005, 04:00
Excuse, if I am mistaken... But the letter of the author of a subject seemed to me any invented, "is glossy or glossy-journal", what not that....

It only to me?

Too it seemed to me so.

18.05.2005, 18:00
And suddenly you New will like yourself more?

Popytka-ne pytka: potom kak vtyaneshsya i pro krossovki zabudesh sovsem. Nu i konechno nemnogo glyancevoi ironii est.

19.05.2005, 05:13
Irony - not irony from magazine! Problems such meet. It is necessary to respect with itself first of all! And that the man speaks... (by way of appearance, clothes) in general by ears to pass or miss, even if liked. He not that " the sunburnt brunette ", not that " the lean blonde " from a party... And probably usual obrjugshy the man, but liked. Therefore menjatsja to you or not - your choice and to be upset because of what that of remarks and offers it is not necessary. It would be desirable to shear to paint, stack hair. To wear miniskirts, maksi - only your choice and to do or make you on someone similar is last business. You are individual, you are liked should!

20.05.2005, 04:10
Excuse, if I am mistaken... But the letter of the author of a subject seemed to me any invented, "is glossy or glossy-journal", what not that....

It only to me?

Too it seemed to me so.

To me too.

And as to a problem of the author to send such husbands it is necessary.

20.05.2005, 22:46
Anything strange I do not see that would be desirable the man that its or his girl looked or appeared well. That has left - certainly, search, but probably the author has rested on the and he psihanul... Well, happens.

The girl, I can agree only with Dobrogneva, poobizhatsja, certainly, costs or stands, but it is necessary to undertake myself. To change-not to change, your business but to get prettier - necessarily! If the husband to you of roads.

21.05.2005, 03:56
Each woman subconsciously wishes to look or appear well and to like men. I am assured, it is necessary to start to change myself to the best and most this all to like you.


21.05.2005, 08:38
The most worthless, that he began to compare it or her to maidens from club!

What for the attitude or relation such?

Wishes barbi to receive a doll - let in club and searches to itself, he obviously does not like the author.

If would like-so would not offend.

22.05.2005, 11:43
And me in such cases interests - where he looked before wedding??!?!?!? He married on such what she is! And hrenli now vykobenivatsja

22.05.2005, 18:20
Oh, girls... Well not in that has put - where he looked before wedding...

There is even one well-known statement on this subject - the pie was not as though tasty or delicious, and is only its or his all life cannot...

Well than the husband who wants a small variety is bad?... And, not other girl for this purpose chooses, and asks hardly to change liked?

23.05.2005, 10:36
Probably husband demands (meanwhile) a little, but other question as he it does or makes (though certainly it according to the author of a topic)

In my opinion he searches for an occasion to quarrel, slap a door and to leave

That voobshchem also has made

Also it seems to me, what is it only the beginning - will start to wear heels, will start to not arrange it or him further

But on the other hand I can and be mistaken and then it is necessary to try or taste will change

Though is not present, if he wanted, that you have changed, would not result or bring others as an example and furthermore well-cared maidens from club, and would suggest to walk unostentatiously in a hairdressing salon

24.05.2005, 09:25
And he corresponds or meets?? Or he can in sports trousers goes always.

And thus wants that near to it or him there was a star kardobaleta))

24.05.2005, 15:32
I, certainly, not for such arrivals from the husband, but in my opinion it only plus of the husband when him to not spit and would be desirable, that its or his woman looked or appeared not worse those maidens in club. Here again a question not in that, you like him such as you are or not. He wishes to be proud to you. And in a female way it will be normal, if you too will be it or this hotet and to it or this to aspire.

I had long reddish hair up to priests. When I have met the present husband, he longly asked me to allow to work to him above my hair. He at me the hairdresser or barber I longly was not solved, since he dreamed of a short hairstyle... And I so longly grew hair... Then was solved and believe, has never regretted!!! The present hairstyle so has changed me both externally, and internally. I more raskovanna... And many consider or count, has what is it added to me sexualities. Since then I always consult and listen to advice or councils of the husband about my appearance, clothes and other.

It is normal and priemlimo only if your husband does not try to make of you the ugly creature, and on the contrary.

Boris VV
26.05.2005, 01:02
The husband starshnogo has not asked anything to mine.... Well buy or purchase shoes on not strongly high heel, well buy or purchase a beautiful skirt or a dress.. Also dismiss the hair... Well in it or this complex or difficult? You have simply given yourselves up as a bad job... And the husband has not left to another, he tries to reanimate you.... It is necessary for him to tell or say thanks..

26.05.2005, 02:54
And can already be has left

27.05.2005, 03:35
Excuse, if I am mistaken... But the letter of the author of a subject seemed to me any invented, "is glossy or glossy-journal", what not that....

It only to me?

I saw the same subject at the ??-forum. Only to her already almost week.

27.05.2005, 07:18
Problem absolutely far-fetched. I think, your husband has any claims to you, but they are not interfaced or integrated completely not to style or your appearance. It only an occasion to break anger on you. Try to explain to him, that that style which you have selected or elected is most comfortable and comprehensible to you. The husband, probably, likes feminity, the romanticism, the veiled sexuality. I do not know, how to you, but I like to be the woman, to wear heels, to dress dresses, to flaunt before a mirror. It is necessary to vary. I do not think, that at you such inveterate style, that it or him in any way it is impossible podkorretirovat. Add a highlight, feminity, paint hair eventually. Also do or make it with pleasure. Not for the sake of not it or him, and for the sake of itself. To like itself it is necessary!

27.05.2005, 22:44
He has driven into me, that I of all am afraid, am afraid to live, I am afraid to vary, is constant the same, and he cannot already look neither at my jeans, nor on my long hair which I clean or remove in hvostik, and in general, I do not apply any efforts to be for it or him beautiful, have never dressed shoes on heels, more womanly did not try to become....

-yes and in general, why I learn or teach you how to be the woman? What I-woman, whether that?-was loudly .-you were indignant remember, what girls were in club? (we somehow got out on a party where was up to a fig of well-cared haughty maidens on heels) And at myself look or see! You too can become such. But you do not want! Even for me!

The author, seems to me, you on family should descend or go with such question. Because business not in beauty, and in attitudes or relations with the husband, more correctly, it or him to you the attitude or relation.

If to argue theoretically, almost all men would like to see near to themselves beautiful, well or at least the well-groomed girl. Eyes they like, that from them to take. And to you of difficultly once a week or two, on days off, specially for the husband to dress let not a skirt, and what- seksi the trousers, fitting to the priest, a T-shirt from a decollete?

And hair not in a tail and to dismiss?

I you fine understand, itself at the kavaleristskoj to a gait hardly a burden of a skirt, and on heels at all I do not risk to rise, legs or foots I shall break... And by the way, it not jokes, to the person who is not able on heels to go, be screwed from them at least with a dislocation - as easy as shelling pears. Floated, we know...

Also I am painted seldom because to wash fractures...

But in target when I go somewhere with the husband, and a make up I do or make, and to put on I try not how every day

ha, I remember, there was a subject, what for maids prutsja in a supermarket on days off on heels and in skirts - yes here behind it or this! At least I. That it was pleasant to husband to look at me. And up to employees to me poh.

Everything, that I have above written, certainly, well... But not after such words, that have stated you....

So to you it is unequivocal on family, little girls here hardly on this subject cho efficient will advise, I do not wish anybody to offend, but there all the contingent is more senior and will be more skilled...

And in general, the author, you should be given a medal. For endurance or quotation and otsutvie bitchiness.

I as have presented, that to me such have told or said... At least would give out - and you saw, what men there were.... What at them press! And shoulders what relief, it so seksi in a T-short in covering... And zadnitsy you saw them? mmmmmmm....

It looking than the given individual suffers. If at it or him super a figure and muscles more abruptly, than at those bobikov, then so - and what machines or cars at them... So it is pleasant to me porshe kajen! To you that, is complex or difficult for the sake of me on such machine or car to earn?

And itself has left having slapped a door. To do or make a hairstyle.

Under the boy.

But I a known reptile.

And che? That nepovadno was. If he married the little girl in trousers, nefiga to demand, moreover in such form. It was necessary to look earlier!

29.05.2005, 07:56
In what cheese-boron or -cutter that? The Man as a matter of fact anything strange has not told or said, only the form has chosen foolish. The elephant in a drugstore is direct! Certainly, on vanity. However, if to reject emotions and vanity far away to jostle - conclusions to do or make it is necessary. All men like womanly type. More sexly, more attractively. The boy-, certainly, on the fan or amateur. Your husband - the aesthete.

The girl, do not take offence! Why to you not poeksperementirovat, and? All life sorvantsom you do not resemble in fact. Try to replace image (always back mozho to turn). Adjust or set up itself on adventurous lad (sorvantsam it is necessary under the status). Let most a variety becomes interesting to you. The result can be amazing!

And then, and unless the pleasure is complex or difficult to give to you liked and to concede? It in fact excellent or different chance to show him, that with it or him are considered also it or him like. He will not forget! A good tactical move. Then always it is possible to stick into a nose: " I for you already have changed image, and you even to bear or take out dust refuse. To not go to me on shpilkah with a garbage can. "

And thus so it is majectic, rasstjagivaja words and it is tempting smiling.

To me the husband too does or makes remarks (the truth in the tactful form). I listen.

In fact I too on it or him run, that jeans, as a bag. Or unshaven. Or there a shirt of times it is primitive-communal system has got on. He in fact obeys.