Просмотр полной версии : All muzhiks SVO.... Or about worms: (((((

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11.05.2005, 11:15
Situation: I sit at restaurant I eat liked dry, my friend (the chief if remember an epopee about it or him, I told-now we became simply good friends) gets or starts a subject about............... G L And With T Y!!!!

Short: that recently he looked the program about these "creatures" and there it has been told or said, that the person gets 80 % of worms from........ SUSH!!!!!

Reaction: was nearly vyplesknuta on a table back!!!!!!

Problem: the quantity or amount sush which I have eaten for the not so long life probably is already estimated in tons.

More shortly all the night long could not sleep such sensation that on me someone creeps

12.05.2005, 23:23
The Situation: I sit at restaurant I eat liked dry, my friend (the chief if remember an epopee about it or him, I told-now we became simply good friends) gets or starts a subject about............... G L And With T Y!!!!

Short: that recently he looked the program about these "creatures" and there it has been told or said, that the person gets 80 % of worms from........ SUSH!!!!!

Reaction: was nearly vyplesknuta on a table back!!!!!!

Problem: the quantity or amount sush which I have eaten for the not so long life probably is already estimated in tons.

More shortly all the night long could not sleep such sensation that on me someone creeps

Not zamorachivajsja - your rough reaction was interesting to him. If nevertheless you worry - descend or go to the doctor, hand over analyses and develop or dispell doubts...

ZY. I would not risk to name this person the friend, but it imho.

14.05.2005, 17:58
The Situation: I sit at restaurant I eat liked dry, my friend (the chief if remember an epopee about it or him, I told-now we became simply good friends) gets or starts a subject about............... G L And With T Y!!!!

Short: that recently he looked the program about these "creatures" and there it has been told or said, that the person gets 80 % of worms from........ SUSH!!!!!

Reaction: was nearly vyplesknuta on a table back!!!!!!

Problem: the quantity or amount sush which I have eaten for the not so long life probably is already estimated in tons.

More shortly all the night long could not sleep such sensation that on me someone creeps

Not zamorachivajsja - your rough reaction was interesting to him. If nevertheless you worry - descend or go to the doctor, hand over analyses and develop or dispell doubts...

ZY. I would not risk to name this person the friend, but it imho.

I already have for tomorrow entered the name

Reaction was quite quiet - I have simply ceased to eat, he began to laugh I to him too has told or said, that he to me bolshe not the friend and at all I do not wish it or him to see, he has told or said, what is it there was a joke, really wished to look or see at my reaction, BUT to me about it the girlfriend told (about these worms) fubueeeeeeeeeeeeefuuuuuuuuuuuuu

16.05.2005, 04:36
What you impressionable

My former teacher at lectures on epidemiologii when told about vshej, consensually started to scratch a head That nogotok will start in hair, an end of the handle

16.05.2005, 04:38
What you impressionable

My former teacher at lectures on epidemiologii when told about vshej, consensually started to scratch a head That nogotok will start in hair, an end of the handle

prikolnaja history

Only to me now not before at me the wisdom tooth climbs, temperature, me plohooooo, churt with them with worms!

17.05.2005, 04:33
I looked this transfer about parasites. Preneprijatnejshie reportazhiki. The main pathos: do not go, children, to Africa to walk. And a joke for a land-bar - to put it mildly, inappropriate.

The well-wisher
18.05.2005, 23:53
So at the doctor were? What has told or said?

20.05.2005, 02:47
So at the doctor were? What has told or said?

Yes is not present, was not while

p.s. Half an hour called a land back invited is, the asshole

20.05.2005, 03:31
And a joke for a land-bar - to put it mildly, inappropriate.

To put it mildly

And what in transfer spoke that?!

In my opinion this transfer all looked except for me

The sun
22.05.2005, 01:52
And a joke for a land-bar - to put it mildly, inappropriate.

To put it mildly

And what in transfer spoke that?!

In my opinion this transfer all looked except for me

And it is interesting to me to know. I too the fan or amateur to eat a land.

That that to me on-....

22.05.2005, 23:56
And a joke for a land-bar - to put it mildly, inappropriate.

To put it mildly

And what in transfer spoke that?!

In my opinion this transfer all looked except for me

And it is interesting to me to know. I too the fan or amateur to eat a land.

That that to me on-....

Do not experience, if that we shall deduce or remove together

Dmitry At.
24.05.2005, 20:44
And a joke for a land-bar - to put it mildly, inappropriate.

To put it mildly

And what in transfer spoke that?!

In my opinion this transfer all looked except for me

And it is interesting to me to know. I too the fan or amateur to eat a land.

That that to me on-....

Pasibki for support!!!

Do not experience, if that we shall deduce or remove together

25.05.2005, 17:17
And it is interesting to me to know. I too the fan or amateur to eat a land.

That that to me on-....

Girls, Japanese dry centuries eat, you of that?

27.05.2005, 00:56
And it is interesting to me to know. I too the fan or amateur to eat a land.

That that to me on-....

Girls, Japanese dry centuries eat, you of that?

I too have thought of it or this. And a land the healthy nutrition is considered.

But personally I very impressionable.....

28.05.2005, 07:11
Eh girls. That we without you such beautiful and passionate did or made.....

Chujko G.G.
28.05.2005, 09:12
Eh girls. That we without you such beautiful and passionate did or made.....

It is type generalization about glistonosnyh a land

28.05.2005, 13:17
Here and hearings are born

As spets not only on eating, but also cooking, I can tell or say - in correctly prepared fish anything is not present! First, a fish, by default, only sea, in her worms and other parasites are not found. Secondly, if these or it nevertheless have crept in in a body of an innocent fish they perish at vymorazhivanii. To freeze a fish it is necessary in an industrial freezer, up to-40. At this temperature the life stiffens for ever. In a house freezer - only to spoil a product. I buy from fishermen with the industrial chambers, any worms in family and friends is not found.

If after such pertinently to tell or say, bon appetit!

29.05.2005, 15:52
But in fact for a fish from which prepare a land do not freeze.

31.05.2005, 21:07
I oboshchal I have simply shared nothing the mood in occasion of girls and women......

And as I have written, in this case I and think....

02.06.2005, 07:15
But in fact for a fish from which prepare a land do not freeze.

So sea she, and passes or takes place preliminary preparation (in sense spets. Marinade, only not as for a shish kebab, estesstvenno!).

More shortly, more bjak it is possible to be typed or collected sunflower seeds having clicked even if them to wash carefully before hot. And a land ate, I eat, and I shall is! To spite of other "worms"!

03.06.2005, 00:36
But in fact for a fish from which prepare a land do not freeze.

Yes, I too always considered or counted, that for a land the freshest fish is used only.

olga 20
03.06.2005, 00:51
But in fact for a fish from which prepare a land do not freeze.

Yes, I too always considered or counted, that for a land the freshest fish is used only.

The freshest fish or not has no value or meaning;importance, the eggs a worm which are present at a crude fish, less often in crude meat, perish only at a heat treatment, a good pickles, deep or simply long a frost!

PY.SY. Dry I do not eat, as well as a fish of a suspicious pickles!

PY.PY.SY. Certainly, not all fish is infected by worms! But...

04.06.2005, 16:17
Yes, I too always considered or counted, that for a land the freshest fish is used only.

The freshest fish or not has no value or meaning;importance, the eggs a worm which are present at a crude fish, less often in crude meat, perish only at a heat treatment, a good pickles, deep or simply long a frost!

No, I not so meant. My post was the answer to post Durango, that " worms perish at vymorazhivanii ". At vymorazhivanii they, can, and perish, but a fish for a land use fresh, not frozen.

06.06.2005, 23:12
Yes, I too always considered or counted, that for a land the freshest fish is used only.

The freshest fish or not has no value or meaning;importance, the eggs a worm which are present at a crude fish, less often in crude meat, perish only at a heat treatment, a good pickles, deep or simply long a frost!

No, I not so meant. My post was the answer to post Durango, that " worms perish at vymorazhivanii ". At vymorazhivanii they, can, and perish, but a fish for a land use fresh, not frozen.

Here and I meant it.

Also do not pickle it or her in what.

And in general if to reflect, worms are on all fresh products, yes everywhere......... So now?

09.06.2005, 09:53
[quote = "anais"] [quote = "Anonymous"]

Yes, I too always considered or counted, that for a land the freshest fish is used only.

Also do not pickle it or her in what.


The citation from the culinary book of "Land":

Earlier "land" represented a crude fish, marinovannuju in Acetum. Today a land the various dishes containing rice, prepared with Acetum from under a land are called. There is a set of various kinds of a land.

Now also nekotoroye kinds of a fish prepare in marinade.