Просмотр полной версии : Permanent make up (tatuazh)

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24.08.2004, 03:13
What will tell or say? Who did or made also what result? How often it is necessary delatt correction and how much or as far as it is visible, what tatuazh is made?

25.08.2004, 16:52
Ja by byla ostorozhna s tatuazhem. A vdrug glaza ne pravilno podvedut, i chto togda?

26.08.2004, 15:16
Slimk, you has directly broken through today

Probably, the permanent make up is conveniently, but I would not be solved. To me not laziness of half an hour in day to spend since morning to make up, than to create with itself not clearly that...

26.08.2004, 18:53
tatuazh do or make not only an eye, and then all then it turns out dangerously, even to live

27.08.2004, 06:34
Slimk, you has directly broken through today

Probably, the permanent make up is conveniently, but I would not be solved. To me not laziness of half an hour in day to spend since morning to make up, than to create with itself not clearly that...

It because of yesterday's "VNEZONY"

28.08.2004, 18:30
CHur. chur, chur! Nahrena??? I do not see sense. First - monotony. Secondly - unpredictability of consequences. Thirdly - trvma for a skin. Fourthly - when it will non-uniformly turn pale and be erased there will be a nightmare in the street Elms, and correction - the next trauma for the face...

30.08.2004, 13:00
Slimk, you has directly broken through today

Probably, the permanent make up is conveniently, but I would not be solved. To me not laziness of half an hour in day to spend since morning to make up, than to create with itself not clearly that...

And unless it or him do or make, only to not be painted? I thought, a kind another, whether more allocated features turn out that and in general I do not know, here and I ask

30.08.2004, 21:38
tatuazh do or make not only an eye, and then all then it turns out dangerously, even to live

I would tell or say that depends on the master, looking to itself will get

31.08.2004, 11:46
CHur. chur, chur! Nahrena??? I do not see sense. First - monotony. Secondly - unpredictability of consequences. Thirdly - trvma for a skin. Fourthly - when it will non-uniformly turn pale and be erased there will be a nightmare in the street Elms, and correction - the next trauma for the face...

daaaa? And that to me yesterday the girl-friend has told or said, that wishes to make to itself tatuzh brows so has painted everything, that I have reflected

03.09.2004, 01:26
tatuazh do or make not only an eye, and then all then it turns out dangerously, even to live

I would tell or say that depends on the master, looking to itself will get

It agree, much depends on the master

buzukova ekater
05.09.2004, 21:20
And unless it or him do or make, only to not be painted? I thought, a kind another, whether more allocated features turn out that and in general I do not know, here and I ask

Allocate a contour of eyes, labiums, etc., ruteshirujut any defects of a skin...

In occasion of "Nahrena" - 100 % it agree with Red!

07.09.2004, 17:58
daaaa? And that to me yesterday the girl-friend has told or said, that wishes to make to itself tatuzh brows so has painted everything, that I have reflected

Well, if only brows, maybe, and anything... And if simply proof painting, without introduction under a skin, tolko voloski? Or brows rather thin? Zakachivat a paint under a skin, brrrrrrrrrrr!

08.09.2004, 22:42
daaaa? And that to me yesterday the girl-friend has told or said, that wishes to make to itself tatuzh brows so has painted everything, that I have reflected

Well, if only brows, maybe, and anything... And if simply proof painting, without introduction under a skin, tolko voloski? Or brows rather thin? Zakachivat a paint under a skin, brrrrrrrrrrr!

At me sotrudeitsa at job has made to itself brows and labiums, well a labium I especially have not seen result for some reason if has not told or said and not zamsetila, and I at once have noticed brows, och. Are allocated, it was not pleasant to me, but she first did or made on the, and secondly I think to her have not correctly picked up a paint, or she, t.e she krashennaja the blonde, and vrovi is direct almost black and och. Are allocated, but I saw in an Internet is simpotichno

10.09.2004, 18:52
If without " introductions under a skin " - what it tatuazh? Simply painting of brows.

10.09.2004, 19:52
And I already for a long time dream to make labiums since the natural contour in them is not swept absolutely up or not absolutely appreciable. But I do not know whom who did or made and could recommend the master.

11.09.2004, 20:03

Well you give the girl!

And so kravivye bezdrjani everyone under a skin we shall manage!

At us there and so one oil, gasoline and exhaust gases...

12.09.2004, 06:37
The cosmetician at which was to itself a brow and eyes has made. Looked or appeared as that not naturally and a little vulgarly.

12.09.2004, 22:13
Permanent make up - super the THING!!!

I already did or made 2 times. First time 3 years ago, did or made all - both brows, and eyes (from above) both labiums with shading and filling. Right after procedures were a nightmare, and but in 10 days approximately - beauty, at brovok the form ideal, labiums to paint it is not necessary - super, here eyes to me not och. ponra, first, it is sick up to a folly since obezbolvajushchuju ointment only after the first punctures put or render, and in the second och. To me thin podvodku have made, all the same to bring it is necessary.

Second time did or made in a year after 1-st time and not because all tatuazh has disappeared, no that is why that has gone to Russia, well time in Russia for one both has updated tatuazh and did or made brows and labiums (only a contour this time since inside of labiums tatuazh still is).

Well and after 2th years all tatuazh on a place though in May I shall go to Russia and I shall update again. Labiums with shading and filling (not prestavljaju as without it or this to live, it is better some colorless balm for labiums is present no lipstick), well and brows certainly.

Also I SHALL DO or MAKE the PERMANENT MAKE up SO OFTEN AS it is necessary, Since IT is very convenient.

Here I, with permanetnym a make up, later 2 years (well eyes podkrashenny). Labiums and brows tatuazh.

15.09.2004, 06:42
Well I do not know devchyonki, I think that unessentially it.. And result to predict or forecast difficultly. I live in Australia, here many women- go with tatuazhem on brows, it looks or appears awfully. Artificial color, at once it is visible what is it tatu.. And in general it is vulgar. Mille has carried that at it or her so it has well turned out, but I think that unsuccessful cases more.

16.09.2004, 13:23
At me familiar to did or made so podvodku around of eyes. She belenkaja, and has led round eyes pitch black, moreover and with strelochkami.

In the first, her does not go, but it IMHO

Secondly, with vr. Has turned blue

Thirdly, when she is not made up, but only these black eyes are brought, mum dear or expensive .

But her very much nra, and this main thing! While

17.09.2004, 07:10
I too have made to myself tatuazh a century and brows.

Tatuazh the century has very much liked. At me an eye and an eyelash black by nature, and with tatuazhem it seems that simply veki beautifully and are accurately brought. Very conveniently, especially in the summer, does not flow, and vygljadesh always well-groomed.

And here tatuazh brows all over again has not liked. I have already burst out crying as soon as have seen result. Brows have turned out as though nakrashenye flomasterom-black black. Though the master has told or said, that so there will be only a month, and actually it has more longly turned out. But I am guilty, I wanted dark brows since itself dark, but it has turned out too. My advice or council-at a choice of a paint for brows choose hardly svetlee, than you want. Has passed or has taken place year, and now tatuazh brows to me to like, color hardly has descended or gone, and brows now natural dark-chestnut color. Now anybody also does not notice, what is it tatuazh.

19.09.2004, 03:21
Permanent make up-it or -this;-thus it is class. Harm from it or him is not present. If delaet it or him in a correct place and normally to anesthetize, and it is not sick also color does not vary. Most glavnnoe correctly to pick up color and the form. I with Millo completely agree.

21.09.2004, 22:08
mlin.... It would be desirable and is pricked..... And though approximately how much it stoit-that?

23.09.2004, 19:11
mlin.... It would be desirable and is pricked..... And though approximately how much it stoit-that?

Brows somewhere from 100 u.e, labiums can hardly is more dear or expensive

23.09.2004, 23:06
Yes, I here look at the the employee and its or her brows as though a marker narisavali, and have passed or have taken place already 2 with superfluous month, can to her protso have made very dark and thick and if thin brovki can and it would be looked differently