Просмотр полной версии : Allergy

13.03.2005, 16:43
At me very allergenic skin, therefore I can not pick up to myself creams for care of a skin. Earlier it somehow excited a little, but me already almost 26... Further to postpone there is no place. Tried or tasted Faberlik, Oriflejm, Avon, Garner and is a lot of still that. Necessarily watched or kept up that in the summary would be told or said "gipoallergenno", but result always one... Can at someone similar problems were? What will advise?

29.03.2005, 15:28

18.04.2005, 21:17
It was possible to try or taste Green Mamu she just for allergikov it is created.

21.04.2005, 13:17
I to you except for spetsju cosmetics would advise something to have a drink inside, even homeopathic granules (I Rinosennaj use, very much helps or assists), and to reconsider habits in a delivery.

03.05.2005, 16:14
Galenik, avene... All is tested on own face - with result is happy or enough.

19.07.2005, 03:52
It was possible to try or taste Green Mamu she just for allergikov it is created.

Yes, I too for Green Mamu! Itself allergik, and these creams always rescue or save;salvage me!