Просмотр полной версии : Where buy cosmetics?

12.09.2004, 03:30
AP has come to full desolation after New year, has got or started a card in Douglas-Rivoli. Has pleasantly surprised assortment and service. After New year could not buy or purchase ink Hypnosis anywhere, and there she in assortment!

13.09.2004, 10:16
Dekorativku pokupajuv Letuale. The Cream-in Japanese magazinchikah.

Valentina D.
18.09.2004, 14:39
Basically I buy all in wonderful or strange cosmetic shop which is in the house where there live parents. There a wide choice of cosmetics, and in a department with creams, shampoos and so forth - self-service that is especially pleasant. I go on half an hour, I choose to myself spokojnenko - nobody follows on heels. And to them on a visit I shall come, and myself I shall indulge. Spirits and dear or expensive cosmetics I do not buy itself - usually give.

25.09.2004, 15:37
Recently I tend to more and more to reserve cosmetics in the Internet-shop. I have so thoroughly studied or investigated the colour gamut, that I can precisely tell or say, something will approach or suit me, or not. And more I like drugstores "Rigla", never shall leave therefrom without any kremika

06.10.2004, 16:47
Earlier in Arbat Prestige bought. Now at all I do not know. I in a shock. On a court yard February, and at them till now emptiness. Probably it is necessary to search for something brand new. It was pleasant to me, that there not only cosmetics, but also shampoos, a paint for hair, shower gels, depiljatory, Pastas-brushes dental and all everything, that is necessary for care of self. In Letuale such choice is not present.

And in general, whether there is alternative AP for today? I have in view of oof of assortment, the price, a network of shops in all districts. It seems to me, that is not present.

And what for Douglas-Rivoli? Where is and what there is?

06.10.2004, 20:28
Girls! And as you under the anybody insert pictures. And in the report too. How? Explain tupenkoj!

15.10.2004, 04:49
Girls! And as you under the anybody insert pictures. And in the report too. How? Explain tupenkoj!

First be registered. Then all will understand. The visitor will not insert any pictures though explain though do not explain.

23.10.2004, 16:14
Earlier in Arbat Prestige bought. Now at all I do not know. I in a shock. On a court yard February, and at them till now emptiness. Probably it is necessary to search for something brand new. It was pleasant to me, that there not only cosmetics, but also shampoos, a paint for hair, shower gels, depiljatory, Pastas-brushes dental and all everything, that is necessary for care of self. In Letuale such choice is not present.

And in general, whether there is alternative AP for today? I have in view of oof of assortment, the price, a network of shops in all districts. It seems to me, that is not present.

And what for Douglas-Rivoli? Where is and what there is?

It is scarlet, well you of that? In a passage on Petrovka. The office belongs to network Bosko. The prices high, assortment t.zh. As everywhere. I do not like this shop, p.ch. There was an incident in the summer. I searched for ink Lankomovskuju, indigo color. Oblazila everything, everywhere there were sets (type Lankom) ink, smyvalka a sampler and a cream a sampler. In AP such set cost 400 re, in Palladiume 650. When I have come in DR and have asked about this ink, to me the seller became usilenno vparivat.......... THIS SET in kartonke! Which cost already 890 re!!!!!! I mjagkl have explained, that to me privozli something similar of the Vein so there even the box was another, not speaking that each element has been wrapped up firm lankomovskoj a crackling paper, etc., etc. the Saleswoman on me vytarashchilas and began to continue vparivat this set, I think, that from Poland at the best. I was developed or unwrapped and have left.

And here the ECLAIR very much nra these or it duglas-

30.10.2004, 20:49
And what for Douglas-Rivoli? Where is and what there is?

In Mege, apparently, is.

And in general I have already got confused in these cosmetic shops, what and where. Itself I buy there where there is that I search at present. I use Klinikom, I buy in GUMe in klinikovskom shop is more often. Yesterday has reserved ink lankomovskuju on an Internet, today should bring. And for podvodkoj Clinics it is necessary to be dragged in magaz, do not deliver them!

09.11.2004, 08:22
Imper, I in a passage on Petrovka about five years ago was. My ways somehow are not crossed at all with this district. I work on Shabolovka, I go by the machine or car, in the center I am not put, you will not drive.

Especially the prices there kusachie, nafig it is necessary.

05.12.2004, 12:18

And what for Douglas-Rivoli? Where is and what there is?

http: // www.douglas.ru/

Most my liked shops.

08.12.2004, 10:02

And what for Douglas-Rivoli? Where is and what there is?

http: // www.douglas.ru/

Most my liked shops.

04.01.2005, 02:18
AP has come to full desolation after New year, has got or started a card in Douglas-Rivoli. Has pleasantly surprised assortment and service. After New year could not buy or purchase ink Hypnosis anywhere, and there she in assortment!

And how there the prices?

24.01.2005, 10:20
Rivoli, it is pleasant. But not all. Most klevyj - in the Crocus of City Molle. Little girls good (in sense vvide advisers) and assortment. The quite good Actor in Gallery. On Petrovka it is pleasant not so, but there spirits Ljutena my liked are. It is necessary to shut eyes which-what to disadvantages. Still is on Ohotnom to series.

The prices same as well as in Letuale - are more dear or expensive than something, something is cheaper.

Letual it was defiled, especially in the center.

Feodor To.
27.01.2005, 22:17
In GUMe it is usual.

01.03.2005, 09:19
In ASHANe a varnish I buy.

06.03.2005, 03:59
Often I reserve under catalogues, and in TSUMe, now these or it magazinchikov with cosmetics, as srani.. =))

The donor
11.07.2005, 23:00
AP has come to full desolation after New year, has got or started a card in Douglas-Rivoli. Has pleasantly surprised assortment and service. After New year could not buy or purchase ink Hypnosis anywhere, and there she in assortment!

Earlier in Letuale, now there I do not go-with the goods there service- became very poor also...