Просмотр полной версии : About lipstick

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12.01.2005, 16:40
navejano a subject " a question to those who is painted every day "

It is very interesting to learn or find out, that you think of taste of lipstick. nra not nra? Whether there are liked tasty or delicious grades?

And more, whether will use lipstick, whether when do not know likes MCH taste of lipstick and you with it or him are going to to kiss?

15.01.2005, 05:34
I was pleased with heading of interrogation!

Absolutely easy I concern to taste of lipstick, not chujstvuju. I use ejvon.

Last question disappears - for a long time married

17.01.2005, 18:27
Never reflected on that that the guy with whom I go on an occurring will think of my lipstick And now I live with MCH, he likes when on me lipstick/shine and kisses without problems

At purchase of lipstick necessarily I check it or her on taste. The some people blestki I buy from for liked taste,

Daily blestki shanelevskie without taste (without a smell) and lankomovskie one with citron smack - njam-, and others at all I do not know as spirits any - sometimes bother from for a smell

18.01.2005, 08:18
I shall not feed the MCH with lipstick with taste "pasiflory" - for some reason he everything, that to him not nra calls pasifloroj.

And voshche, I think, is not present such MCH which dies to lick from us cosmetics.

Well, unless toko in the beginning - when "-ways".

20.01.2005, 18:53
Last question disappears - for a long time married

And it why? We shall tell or say my wife, never paints labiums if it or she has a desire to kiss

22.01.2005, 23:47

23.01.2005, 11:43
Last question disappears - for a long time married

And it why? We shall tell or say my wife, never paints labiums if it or she has a desire to kiss

A if at the wife labiums are made up and wishes to kiss? First labiums vyteraet?

23.01.2005, 21:02

I niso cannot make with ashipkoj, press 4 if in doubts

24.01.2005, 20:36
A if at the wife labiums are made up and wishes to kiss? First labiums vyteraet?

Aha! I not that it or her shall not kiss that, but...

The visitor from Kiev
26.01.2005, 19:57
ynot, electorate expand or dilate?

29.01.2005, 04:34
Last question disappears - for a long time married

And it why? We shall tell or say my wife, never paints labiums if it or she has a desire to kiss

I shall leave from a question... I Paint labiums only before an output or exit on street of %)

30.01.2005, 03:35
Last question disappears - for a long time married

And it why? We shall tell or say my wife, never paints labiums if it or she has a desire to kiss

I shall leave from a question... I Paint labiums only before an output or exit on street of %)

Really at home never happens that at you labiums are made up and to kiss it wanted?

01.02.2005, 06:44
ynot, electorate expand or dilate?

Basically an outlook.

seka, och it is interesting, what on a subject you think?

02.02.2005, 13:16
I like taste and structure SHanelevskoj!

But if in plans to kiss - that I abstain, and I do not paint.. Or quickly I wipe before... That as. Or if the farewell kiss is necessary (on a path, I mean) I do not paint, but then, having said goodbye I paint labiums already, road.

04.02.2005, 18:03
I do not like eslicho... Therefore can also labiums I do not paint...

05.02.2005, 20:26
I, teoriticheski, like... But practically-not I paint.

Bo labiums too bright turn out.

And to the husband-all it is peer-lipstick-shine-kisses.

07.02.2005, 23:21
I Shall leave from a question... I Paint labiums only before an output or exit on street of %)

Really at home never happens that at you labiums are made up and to kiss it wanted?

Represent, never!

And what for to paint labiums of the house?

09.02.2005, 04:11
I wipe lipstick from labiums before kisses.. But not because of taste..

10.02.2005, 11:51
seka, och it is interesting, what on a subject you think?

niche I do not think

Write sesa better.

Andrey Vladimir
11.02.2005, 13:41
I wipe lipstick from labiums before kisses.. But not because of taste..

Smile guimplena?

13.02.2005, 02:58
About taste of anything I can not tell or say. They usually insipid. But here the smell has huge value or meaning;importance!!! I prefer, that the smell was not any. Or that aroma was minimal therefore as one more strong vonjuchka near by, except for a smell of scented water or dezika is a search...

14.02.2005, 10:37
Write sesa better.

oops! And it is what is your name said, I on wildness or absurdity, as seka always read it or him.

17.02.2005, 08:59
To read it is possible.

To write it is not possible

Sesa - TSetsa (-Croatian), reduction from Svetlana. I.e. light our way. Very much all trivialnenko.

20.02.2005, 06:23
Me, there is a husband so natseluet, that no lipstick is necessary, labiums already burn

23.02.2005, 01:20

Learn or Teach Albanian!!!!