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03.02.2005, 08:54
Whether there are any receptions for localization of a hernia of lower eyelids? I.e. if the hernia is still so small, that there is no necessity to do or make a blepharoplasty, but she is shown in the further (heredity) it would be desirable to stand as though on that loss what for today, and can be and somehow improve a situation. By means of creams, massages and so forth

Here if, for example, daily to do or make liftingovye masks or still somehow... Somebody in a course?

What good liftingovye for blepharons you know masks? But that do not pull together a skin interest only, and improve its or her turgor and provide limfodrenazh.

04.02.2005, 20:48
At me after mezo has resolved. I do not know, whether for a long time, but it is noticeably healthy, I look at the photos made in March and I am amazed: there were saccules and are not present! Again a muzzle smooth.

06.02.2005, 07:45
, Saccules and hernias - two greater or big differences. I do not represent, that the hernia can resolve...... Or can??

08.02.2005, 01:27
And you about ozonotherapy heard nothing. I went in due time in occasion of a cellulitis... And so lecture to me read and spoke about that blefoplasiku replaces if some courses to pass or take place.

10.02.2005, 20:00
And you about ozonotherapy heard nothing

About what koljat?? Or other??

13.02.2005, 00:11
Koljat which.

13.02.2005, 07:22
Do or Make injections of oxygen and ozone, but ozone do or make only in area of a chin and for maintenance of an oval of the face... And at all in area of eyes....)))

15.02.2005, 15:39
Can and so... But lecture have read through.

17.02.2005, 23:36
, Interestingly, thanks. I shall take an interest.

18.02.2005, 21:34
And inekytsii oxygen and ozone than differ? I am simple delitant extremely... I believe all to that speak.

19.02.2005, 16:01
By the way... This center was called... A??-oxygen therapy scientifically practical center

20.02.2005, 11:46
One of these days had conversation with plastich. The surgeon and he has in detail explained all to me about hernias of lower eyelids.

Operations to not avoid, unfortunately, since these hernias - fatty skoplenija-or are, or are not present, and if they are, at any age, is simple in the course of time they uveliichvajutsja because Adeps and water in them becomes more and they "get out" outside.

He has told or said, that such operation - excising or coretraction of a hernia of lower eyelids is done or made once and if all is spent competently more they will not appear since there will be nothing to swell. Top veki it is possible to pull some time.

The detailed description of operation has not frightened me for some reason though any things of type " vytjagivanie fatty a clump and cauterization of vessels " have sounded, but he has told or said, that in 2 weeks will be undistinguished. Yes it is possible and in glasses or spots dark to resemble.

More shortly, I have understood, that it is necessary to take 2 weeks of holiday, 1000 Euros and forward)

22.02.2005, 13:15
Question: who can comment on the offer platicheskogo the surgeon (the professional with wide experience and all regalia):

" It is possible to execute classical blefaroplatsiku with podrezkoj excess of a skin, and to make transkonjuktivnuju (from within, i.e. without a cut or section) is better and excess of a skin and thin folds to clean or remove the laser "

I would prefer the first variant since not absolutely I understand, how and due to the skin of a lower eyelid from laser influence will be tightened. And oslozheny from it or this I am afraid in the form of an erythema under eyes for a long time, sharp border between the processed and raw skin, gipo and hyperpegmentations. I do not speak already about a pain

Yesterday has studied sites of clinics plastich. Surgeries so nevertheless advise the second variant as more progressive and reliable.

Can be at someone there is a personal experience or friends and colleagues did or made similar?

25.02.2005, 03:51
Advise you can this or that method only on the basis of consultation, instead of from that, a progressive method or not. Transkonjunktivnaja the plasty is done or made only on the basis of indications. I too have attended to this subject (on search look or see), to me have told or said, that only after conversation with the doctor it is possible to define or determine, by what method will do or make operation.

By the laser of a fold are cleaned or removed - heard such. In general, go on consultation.

26.02.2005, 02:04
Yes here only from it or her

And was at two already the doctors, one has offered klassich. The variant with a cut or section, and another has told or said, that both of a variant are good, but the emphasis has made on the second - transkonjuktivnyj.

Both that and other doctor both principals of clinics, full members about-VA platicheskih and reconstructive surgeons do not cause or cause doubts in professionalism.

All that l to bypass? ((

27.02.2005, 09:50
Difficultly, I do not know how to be. I think, that all the same the surgeon should define or determine, that to you will approach or suit is better, since patients cannot understand these questions.

Ask, what pluss and minuses these methods, look or see photos... In search find a subject " Plastic surgery ", can, then and the experience in her share.

01.03.2005, 12:38
Iris, and these experts in Moscow work and how much it costs or stands actually? Too I want, but I am afraid

03.03.2005, 17:35
In my family two have made a blepharoplasty as has understood from your description classical.

Edema, erythemas were not in general, both saw for other day, quite publikabelno. shovchiki it was necessary to smear Some days zelenkoj, looked or appeared as an easy or a light;a mild make up (seriously!).

So precisely it is not necessary to be afraid of it or this. Borders were not and are not present, scars are not present in general, only on a upper eyelid if to lift a brow at the closed eye, it is possible to understand, that there was an operation - and, if the nobility as it looks or appears.

But! At one one eye it was necessary to alter, there was an inflammation. Somewhere in a month has begun.

Result very well, I at this age too would want.

By the way, optimum age for such operation doctors consider or count 40-45 years, and a subjective rejuvenascence - 6-8 years

Costed in Peter about five years ago about 500 dollars, now, probably, more dearly or expensively.

Yes, both of them did or made under a local narcosis, and speak, that would be necessary under the general or common as chen it was sick.

04.03.2005, 02:59
Star with ears but in fact it is possible and earlier if to look at itself already forces is not present, if only to fall into in good arms or hand, yes only where them to find

05.03.2005, 02:22
I learned or found out - it is possible to do or make a blepharoplasty and at young age if for this purpose there are indications - though in 18 years.

06.03.2005, 13:39
All greetings!

I write under anregom, because a subject delicate: I wish to tell in detail about operation of a blepharoplasty of a lower eyelid which I have made on medium.


The decision was accepted for a long time, but the doctor has warned, that is better to do or make it in the autumn, when there is no two injuring factors - a frost and the bright sun.

It has been decided to do or make operation with the EXTERNAL cut or section (not through a conjunctiva) since I had already superfluous skin and folds which therein should be tightened.


The husband all the night long turned, all the morning long hardly sighed, before leaving or care on job so is close or attentive on me has looked or seen, as if remembered, for ever saying goodbye

For 20 minutes before I should leave to their house, in a window leaf the titmouse has flown!!! I in a full shock have called to the girlfriend, but that posmejalas above my superstitions and pavors...

At 16:00 has arrived to the center of laser surgery (where my doctor dogovrilsja about rent operational), me have issued, has paid I 14000 roubles, have signed the contract that preduprezhdena about all consequences and if that - claims I shall not show or present (consequences - two leaves or sheets, by the way)

Have changed clothes, have made a premedication is restful (type fenozepama something) the Nyxis morbid, in zadnitsu while I then laid and rubbed a breech, to me sisters have told all, that all of them to themselves have altered this blepharoplasty and are happy or enough. So it is wonderful, when babke years 65, and the eye young, tense, but thus bryli hang also a neck with 10-th cords or crimps...

Restful operated or worked minutes 25 though it is necessary to admit, that I was absolutely quiet, have been assured, naive, what is it will be not sick!!!

Then the surgeon has come to chamber to me, has brought stakanchik densely divorced potassium permanganate, has planted or put me, has given stakanchik in arms or hand and began a toothpick to draw to me a marking. After that we have gone in operational.

Have put me on a table, have covered to two razogretymi up to hot blankets and have gone...

First very morbid sensations is an anesthesia, on 6-8 nyxes in each eye, it is direct from an angle up to an angle under the bottom eyelashes. The painful threshold decreased from a nyxis to a nyxis, but I have squeezed a teeth and suffered or bore.

Exactly in 5 seconds he has taken a scalpel, and I zavopila - And what - unless I already feel nothing?-was absolutely anything, my doctor has unperturbably said and has made a cut or section. I have seen a blood, have seen loskutok skins which the sister any krjuchjami has picked up, but to me was on a fig... Here there was the first "prikol" from the category nerijatnyh - coagulator did not work (a piece which categories of a current cauterizes vessels that the wound did not bleed) aunts zamaterilis, were swept up, began to check the device, a strain in a network, still something, time he compressed all this to me ranku and pressed on the face a palm (on a vessel probably). I thought about sinichke.... Minutes through 5 this hrenota has earned. The muzhik - the good fellow, has not said words that me to not frighten. Though after this premedication likely even explosion in operational hardly would frighten me

Further minutes 20 it was not sick, somnolently, easy, I laid, listened to their conversations, bajki, advice or councils, an exchange of opinions and suddenly SUCH PAIN!!!! I have already howled...

The following of minutes 10 were a nightmare - he allocated progrown fatty hernias (those "bags") why in these layers anesthesia did not operate or work also an additional nyxis the doctor to me from under tendons and muscles has suggested to not do or make, and to take itself in arms or hand, to not whine, to not howl, to not stir or prevent to him to work, since it is necessary for him, that I there felt something! It seem to know better to him... I very much tried to break off... It turned out badly... From time to time it seemed, that in an eye have thrust a plug and push it or her under a nose and a upper eyelid...

It was sick, when he koaguliroval, sometimes so it is long podpalival, that the smoke ate a mouth and a nose and I coughed, and the burning sensation was felt very much even distinctly or clearly

Then sharply the pain has ended, on its or his retorts I have understood, that he is happy or enough also all it was possible, but here I was waited with second unpleasant "surprise": the doctor ordered to submit to him resolving strings... Aunts were surprised - yes where we to you shall take them? To a-thbe ((To sew me became usual which then should be removed or taken out...

The second eye - all too most, but already shaked me from pavor and presensation of a pain. I groaned already loudly, not hesitating... He has few times tried to besiege me, but suffer or bear I could not

All last 2 hours, then I have risen, have thanked all and have gone to chamber. Under eyes were gauze pressing povjazochki, the kind was not awful, I expected to see something more vpchatljajushchee.

Through pair hours for me there has arrived the girlfriend, has helped or assisted to put on and we poperlis through all Moscow in wild fuses home.

On road poplohelo, a head began to press from within, the nausea has risen, tongue did not turn, I all time was afraid to sweep up to the girlfriend leather interior, and it was impossible for me to do or make it or this since the doctor veleno was a head to not lower or omit, well and very few people is successful poblevat with highly lifted head likely still was possible

At home I was in 10, the head after Analginum has gradually passed or has gradually taken place and it wanted to guzzle, since before operation is I was impossible also mornings papaverous rosiny at me in a mouth was not. But at attempt to eat yoghurt, I have understood, that it is necessary to refrain, since any mimic movements, type of opening of a mouth, responded a pain in a place of a cut or section.

Has fallen asleep on high podshke, almost sitting, as well as was veleno, slept as hit though for the 40 years I never managed to fall asleep on a back, only on a stomach or belly...

Thursday, 2 day

The left eye nagnoilsja, I can not understand - whether konjuktivit (the doctor about it or this has warned me and has written out Albucidum), whether a seam, whether both that, and another.

Painful sensations are not present, not present in general any.

To one o'clock in the afternoon the husband has carried me not a dressing.

There the doctor to me all has washed out - pus, a mud, the rests of a blood, eyelashes, has removed or has taken off bandages and has pasted an adhesive tape. Became morally and physically easier, but to the world ecchymoses, and crimson ecchymoses, an erypsipelas swelled up nearly up to a chin were

To read and look a TV set it is impossible three days, I lay and I miss...

Friday, 3 day.

To suppurate like became less, the edema accrues or increases, the ecchymosis has turned yellow, ecchymoses have swelled up a little. The most unpleasant day. There was all chesatsja, to scratch it is impossible...

I smear an ecchymosis with Troxevasinum.

Saturday, 4 day.

The edema almost slept, I have removed or have taken off adhesive tapes since they have almost come unstuck, shovchik flat and light pink, even in such status I easily would cover it or him, my last folds were where as vyrazhenee...

Bags are not present!!! Ofiget!!! I with them a vein of years 20 likely, since the youth.

Has gone on a dressing, the doctor has confirmed, that very well, all under the plan..

Has washed out, has glued the sticking out extremities or ends of strings to the face, ordered to smear a seam solkoserilom and I have left home.

I can read and smtret the TV, but in opinion of there was a burning sensation and dryness, drip " natural tear " mixed up with Albucidum...

The edema falls down, terribly it would be desirable to wash up a head, to wash and smear the face with a cream, but it or this while to do or make it is impossible

I dream, as I will pass or take place all also shall go to interior on the most effective and strong humidifying or wetting prodedury...

Sunday, 5 day

All same. Ecchymoses have a little turned pale, the ecchymosis from brightly-yellow became citreous...

I drip, I smear... And so all the day long...

Rassmotrla eyelashes, the part is burnt by coagulator, a part obstrizhena Thanks God though not under a root, and posoklku they at me by nature long, half of length while will suffice me...

Monday, 6 day.

Tomorrow to me will remove or take off seams...

There was in a mirror my face which only has really looked younger, eye sights or eyes such good...

Fie-fie-fie... To not maleficiate....

With me in chamber the woman, 37 years laid, to her two years ago did or made blefaro through a conjunctiva, and so it was not pleasant to me: bags have cleaned or removed, and the skin superfluous was going to in skladochki, at it or her all lower eyelid was in morshchinkah, and and longitudinal and cross-section or transversal, vygldelo as mjataja a pergament paper..

And this time she did or made liposaktsiju a chin both podtjazhku skins of a neck and poborodka.

Speaks, that was not sick absolutely (unlike operation not centuries or blepharons which too to her is recollected how very morbid)

Fine to her have made, seams visible are not present, since all stnutaja a skin is fixed to an ear behind and in front behind a tragus, t.e will find these seams uneasy.

08.03.2005, 09:12
Desperate you lady! I on mezoterapiju faces go and I become stupid from a pain.

08.03.2005, 11:50
, Thanks big. It was very interesting to read! It is glad, that the doctor has dissuaded me from this operation - I would not sustain. For the first time has learned or has found out, what is it so it is morbid. Thanks.

09.03.2005, 12:58
And I sleep during mezoterapii because I anesthetize.. What to you stirs or prevents for an hour before procedure to smear Emloj?

Likely it is more terrible to read, than to do or make, and I do not think, that all so is awful

09.03.2005, 22:52
Very strange... At us here just already from two parties or sides of transfer about plastic or plasty (one American, another - the on their motives) so there a blepharoplasty tokmo under the general or common do or make... Or it so the pain of the patient is necessary for " our doctor "? It is remembered, on zubki the Russian doctors tozh regretted anesthesia always... In general, I sympathize (to the gone through excruciatings) and I congratulate (with novoobretyonnoj freshness of a look)!