Просмотр полной версии : Sun deck

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08.06.2005, 23:55
Thanks, at me just is with the open back, I here on a disco went-without lifchika it has appeared too extremely

09.06.2005, 00:16
smari... Take luchchshe Emerald Bay at Medzhik the Dignity - better and prikolnaja a series, the vial or flask about 400 roubles will be... Soleo with their coffee series did not try or taste, took in small jars their vitamin series - not nra, sticky

Especially, et Poland, and the leader in manufacture soljarnyh agents - ssetaki America

Breast - dress bikini and sse

09.06.2005, 00:50
On those ksta ssytskam which you gave me, I have wanted to try or taste vsetaki coffee series Soleo, think costs or stands? And about Magic Sun you to me did not tell anything.

09.06.2005, 00:52
medzhik a dignity - the distributor

It is better to take from them Emerald Bay a series

09.06.2005, 01:35
Coffee series Soleo

Absolutely she is not pleasant to me. Plainly does not humidify or wet and in general, sunburn not especially bright, on iuOa??N \not obgoranie does not influence. Voobshchem not mine.

09.06.2005, 01:45
If, I in a sun deck shall go to the first 2 weeks in a day till 20-30 mines (paervye times 15), And THEN ONCE a WEEK ON 30 MINES I SHALL be NORMALLY SUNBURNT?

Here the day before yesterday has a little scorched.. A second day I do not go... Sunburn will not be gone?

09.06.2005, 02:02
My soul - so at you procedure "zaleplenija" - will borrow or occupy with an adhesive tape of minutes 10 times... And behind a door on divanchikah - maidens pending... It awfully strains me always...

09.06.2005, 02:36

Sequence of actions at visiting a sun deck:

1) Houses take a shower also with anything a body do not smear, spirits/nN??a?? do not use.

2) Go to interior, wash or remove or take out a make up molochkom, take away hair upward that did not stir or prevent

3) On a pure or clean body and the face put or render an agent for a sun deck a normal layer, if with bronzatorom then wipe palms a napkin

4) Smear dummies or papillas, labiums and rodinki with -lipstick, or mould stikini on dummies or papillas

5) Dress glasses or spots (I do not dress)

6) Come into a sun deck, are smoked

7) Leave, put on, make up and go on the affairs

8) Evening of souls, then drawing poslezagarnogo agents


09.06.2005, 03:04
Thanks - has written down... At them the stand will be at an exhibition?

Can - somehow nevertheless it is possible to untwist them on zakazik - = if to co-operate with ljubitelnitsami a sun deck? They on Baumanskoj - it is absolutely close from my job... an is not present - in any...

And you zagarnyj entuzazizm infects here in the past to year - even Indesent podkopchenaja went

09.06.2005, 03:17
Buy all at an exhibition, what for to them?

From an exhibition up to an exhibition be bought or purchased also all ok)


I have phone of the maid-manager from Solana, look or see cosmetics on solana.ru, she can bring to one bank is direct in office-home... The price - below what in interior

Home I shall reach, I shall find vizitku it or her, here phone zaposhchu

09.06.2005, 03:31
mytyo before \after sunburn (ohm) - cleanly psychological trick. For a skin it is not so useful.

Yes, also do not forget to accept vitaminku With, E, to drink green tea and simply pure or clean water.

09.06.2005, 03:57
emmm... Your way, soljarnoe an agent it is direct on a dirty body, besides with molochkom and creams to put or render?

fu, not....

At mja the skin on a body places fat, does not approach or suit me such

Ivanov Marina
09.06.2005, 04:08
Oh - it would be simple super - and this maiden here so - with any called begins to agree? I to her consolidated zakazik have made!

And more the important item or point I recommend all to not forget! In a sun deck very strongly burn out hair - if to you of roads color of yours svezhetonirovannoj manes - it is necessary spets shapochka or a kerchief!

09.06.2005, 04:41
-May, well you the miner, whether that?

Well about what dirty body there can be a speech if you accepted dush in the morning and in 12 hours go to a sun deck???

At mja a skin on a body places fat

Here there where fat, it is necessary to wipe a napkin

Who that would not speak, but from such frequent acceptance of douche at a skin is broken PeAsh, that hrenovenko.

09.06.2005, 05:16
It is necessary spets shapochka or a kerchief!

By the way yes. Thanks that have reminded

Zakovrjazhin J.S.
09.06.2005, 05:33
iopt..... Give we shall fight on kosmetichkah... At whom what status of a body after 12 hours nemytja....

09.06.2005, 06:10
Not, well if you stink after 12 hours nemytija (and you do not stink) and you need to be torn off basts, tada yes....



.... hm.... At me dezhavju? I de saw a subject about mytyo? Dezhavju, yes

09.06.2005, 06:17
senja you will smell me mozh I stink?

09.06.2005, 06:38
et smorja de.... I not everywhere can

09.06.2005, 07:02
Dy to wash in general it is harmful! It is possible to be ill!


Ofiget. 12 hours proshmonatsja - and type pure or clean... Mdja...

09.06.2005, 07:38
I do not know, I pure or clean. I do not sweat almost, a skin normal, with heart and vessels all by, so and after 12 hours a skin of a body pure or clean.

It is all problems of at whom the raised or increased fat content, a diaphoresis and other

09.06.2005, 08:05
Girls, something me after a sun deck podtashnivalo and not to itself was... It of that such? Sunbathed 2-nd .1-th-7 mines, and 2-nd-9 min.mozhet on a head a kerchief to dress, can from it or this?

09.06.2005, 08:32
perezagorala. In vertical mnogovato have taken, it is necessary to begin with 3 minutes

09.06.2005, 09:09
And a mine yesterday too after a sun deck nekajfovo was. Mozh storms what -magnetic?

Maidens, whether and tell or say it is possible to go to a sun deck during krit. Days? Than threatens?

09.06.2005, 09:17
Opinions razdeljajutstsa. Someone from cosmeticians grit, that a skin more sensitive and nizzja, and someone - that pofig

I go.