Просмотр полной версии : *quot; NOOOy*quot; on eyelashes

10.12.2004, 19:37
Somebody faced the above-stated problem? Earlier never anything similar it was observed, and recently began to notice on eyelashes a dandruff-like dust, and to wash up it or her is extremely difficultly. Humidification of a skin of blepharons does not give special effect... Somebody Can will prompt what is it such and how to struggle. Thanks!

08.02.2005, 06:26
I remember, such signs, like, at demodeksa were... Look or See in a subject - there was. Or in general in a network look "demodekoz". I do not frighten - it is just necessary to exclude it also.

http: // demodecos-info.narod.ru/

http: // www.doctorvisus.ru/demodecos.htm

24.02.2005, 01:22
And how eyes, not slezjatsja? There Is such piece - a blepharitis - an inflammation of blepharons.

05.03.2005, 11:20
To the ophthalmologist it is necessary for you to descend or go, it is exact disease any. At my friend was such, she told.

16.03.2005, 19:20
Yes, at my friend too was. A fungus any. But (ointment) is treated simply. Only all cosmetics should be replaced.

18.04.2005, 13:39
The tick or mite?

08.05.2005, 17:37
Still there is such piece as konjuktivit.. And it not a dandruff, and the fallen asleep pus..

Eyelashes in the mornings do not stick together????

14.05.2005, 17:16
In the mornings, after a dream? A conjunctivitis then... Descend or Go to the doctor, drops prokapaete week, will pass or take place

25.05.2005, 03:17
This piece " a scaly blepharitis " is called. At me was in the childhood, years in 5 has begun and up to 12. Then pererosla and by itself has passed or has taken place. Went to doctors but then offered kokoj a foolish way of treatment by Unguentum Tetracyclini and more to something. Parents have regretted me. At me hereditary. There was a sensitivity of blepharons - use only qualitative cosmetics luxury. And veki hardly that redden. In general to the doctor, it can now treat effectively and humanely.

05.06.2005, 13:31
Besides the aforesaid cosmetics, let and luxury, for eyes it is necessary to change time in rub or three-four months, but there is an occasion to update!

And pillowcases to iron more often...

06.06.2005, 14:45
And pillowcases to iron more often...

And it is possible to take an interest, what for?.. I in general do not iron bed-clothes. Whether it for massacre of microorganisms that temperature processing is necessary?

Marina Malinov
09.06.2005, 06:36
It is possible to take an interest, what for?.. I in general do not iron bed-clothes. Whether it for massacre of microorganisms that temperature processing is necessary?

Aha, and djal beauty not lishne..

09.06.2005, 18:02
Just for disinfection, if it from ticks or mites and other house living creatures

10.06.2005, 03:32
This piece " a scaly blepharitis " is called.


By the way, the reason can be the stagnation of a blood caused or called by an overstrain or overvoltage of an eye. Vision for a long time checked?