Просмотр полной версии : Learn to select cosmetics.

21.09.2004, 15:36
Ridiculous question?

And for me it is a problem...

I cannot understand what lipstick to me approaches or suits, what shadows and td... To buy all successively and : or is not present-not I can.

Go to interior to the master I can not, since I am a student. The grant understand...

How to leave this situation?

The pediatrist
15.11.2004, 01:49
To read the corresponding or meeting literature. Including in libraries (to not spend money for purchase). On a subject of color scale, combinations and conformity - the sea of the literature. Including in a network.

15.11.2004, 15:57

Has bought or purchased lipsticks like in the necessary tone, and has put or rendered on guby-does not approach or suit..

Too most with shadows (

d-r Zemanov
22.11.2004, 07:28
Both lipsticks, and at shadows in decent shop should have testers - smear and look. Sometimes I specially am not painted, and I scratch in magazinchik - with last novelties of ink so was played recently. I, by the way, in student's year and at girlfriends tried or tasted all - somehow at us it was very much without ceremony. In absentia, not putting or rendering on itself to choose cosmetics very much and very difficultly, practically in any way.

09.01.2005, 04:43
1. To define or determine the color type

2. Before purchase to test on an arm or a hand. Some firms give poprobyvat and on themselves (Faberlik, Avon, Mary Kej, etc. if buy dear or expensive cosmetics in large shops the adviser will make a make up)

3. Buy as samplers cheap stuff, pick up the necessary color, throw out and buy that stamp which want. Certainly absolutely identical colors or flowers at different stamps are not present, but to orient it is already possible so I have dared to buy or purchase bright red lipstick.

Irina In
13.02.2005, 00:01
, How I understand from vamikazannogo, at desire to buy or purchase a new shade or color of lipstick it is necessary to go to library? Prompt in what? And that at me in the Moscow area in that settlement that I live only one and I am afraid of me incorrectly will understand

And here if with perception of color scale * that's all right where to go and try to smear lipstick? Whether there Are in Moscow shops (likely it should be large) where you will plant or put and will try or taste though 2 shades?

21.02.2005, 08:36
Whether there are in Moscow shops (likely it should be large) where you will plant or put and will try or taste though 2 shades?

As much as necessary. The same Arbat Prestige

In Ochakovo!

03.03.2005, 04:30
, Thanks

11.03.2005, 03:55
And it is obligatory to buy then that cosmetics which on you try or taste??

I can be painted and leave simply.. Or how?

14.03.2005, 04:12
And it is obligatory to buy then that cosmetics which on you try or taste??

I can be painted and leave simply.. Or how?

Certainly you can!!!

25.03.2005, 04:16
And how they on it will look or see?)) on impudence such??)))

27.03.2005, 22:50
Bozhezh mine, you where live? At you there kill if lipstick you will try or taste and then you will not buy or purchase?

You not have taken a bite of a sausage and have then refused to buy.

And what in the field of do not allow to try or taste more than 2 shades of lipsticks? I certainly in the Moscow area was not, but here in Leningrad shops not too strikingly differ, if it not selpo certainly.

20.04.2005, 20:12
I understand, that silly enough question But at me with a skin is not present special problems, unless very dry. Almost the majority of creams for a dry skin therefore approaches or suits. All creams under eyes advertises or promotes decrease or disposal from morshchinok. But such miracle does not occur or happen to me, I the truth itself am not enough in miracles I believe From any creams of an eye vospoljalis, i.e. obviously does not approach or suit, but from others any difference. The result can will is swept up or appreciable years through 5 But how today to define or determine that to me better? I already feel, that I start to buy up more increasing or more and more and more than different creams, to me it is so much for all life not peremazjukat And here to sense

23.04.2005, 07:12
At random... Something is better, something is worse

02.05.2005, 04:15
Samplers. zataritsja them as follows, and to give a muzzle of the face of day on three on testing. For this time it becomes clear - whether the cream somehow uluchshajushche operates or works, ali is not present. Alas, there are no global references in absentia.

16.05.2005, 02:36
How to choose the cosmetics?

Descend or Go to kosmetichke. There to you can advise a cream suitable for your type of a skin. At kosmetichki and samplers to take it is possible and to test before the whole vial or flask to buy or purchase.

Kosmetichka it is even better because in interiors usually use and sell professional creams, whereas in usual shops, even super- abrupt and fashionable, creams, as a rule, consumer goods, including all these fashionable names.

My friend kosmetichka speaks, that with fashionable names (shanel-, etc.) she agrees only "popochku" to smear with all these creams the, and on the face-.

Vladimir VL
20.05.2005, 16:58

Well here while I at random and trying, but all the same badly understand, how much or as far as it on me well operates or works.

If there a boring it is clear and if as though nothing occurs or happens. At that the skin at me without special problems, actually and to compare there is nothing. One business if there were spots and they did not become - means operates or works. And so such sensation, that almost any fat cream approaches or suits me, the feeling of dryness vanishes, the skin more elastic becomes.

Anka and that it is possible to notice for 3 days unless if an allergy

Picnic, and here it is interesting, if to several kosmetichkam to descend or go, and all of them will advise the same or a miscellaneous?

But basically you are right, it is just necessary to find that to which you will trust. And that to me one there and then the cosmetics to advertise or promote the beginnings.

30.05.2005, 06:42
Picnic, and here it is interesting, if to several kosmetichkam to descend or go, and all of them will advise the same or a miscellaneous?

Will be, certainly, vtjuhivat that line which in interior is on sale or which kosmetichka distributes if she it is independent, instead of in interior works.

And all peerly professional lines is better.

Dr. MATAR Asaad
02.06.2005, 17:11
Picnic On the Roadside

And all peerly professional lines is better.

Than better? In the sizes of tubes?

02.06.2005, 19:39
Duck, in cosmetic shops pereodicheski pass or take place such stocks when there come visagistes and paint interested persons (FREE OF CHARGE). In Mege "Douglas", in " Arbat Prestige ", and in many other things. Simply come and learn or find out, when it will be. During painting visagistes can give advice or councils (ask, that you interests), and you at the same time look or see, as you nakrasja, write down numbers or rooms of lipsticks, shadows and so forth

Buy or Purchase to itself the good book on a make up. Define or determine the color type. Winter, autumn, summer, spring. Be defined or determined with color scale.

And certainly you can go and be smeared in shop with samplers, nobody will force you it to buy. Try or taste, try or taste, try or taste, and, eventually, will find "".


02.06.2005, 19:44
Than better? In the sizes of tubes?


And between lines for home care and shaneljami- the basic difference is not present, IMHO.

I have not understood a little - whether you rank Redken, Joico, Paul Mitchell, John Frieda, and also products Wella (professional lines) as lines for home care, or to professional salonnym to lines?

If to speak about creams - G.M.Collin and Murad-these are professional lines, or lines for home care?

To tell or say fairly, personally I choose an optimum variant in sense of money and qualities. SHaneli- are godlessly dear or expensive, how much money tear up for a name. I for the same money shall better buy or purchase a professional cream and I shall be assured, that money are torn off not for a name, and for structure. I used both G.M.Collin (a peeling cream, uvlazhnajushchy a cream for a problem skin, and Murad with a cream under eyes, and it was quite happy by-quality. From a store shelf I zareklas to use products, obzhegshis on L'Oreal and Estee Lauder... It was necessary to see my face after that L'Oreal... Freddi Kruger itself would be frightened.

Though, there are decent creams and with store polok. Has unexpectedly opened for itself Nivea, that which "easy or light;mild". A remarkable damper. From creams for a body, from the same Nivea, that is pleasant that with Q-10.

At Velly a smart line of agents for stacking, and all is exclusive for interiors.

e-Y-Y... And the Internet on what? To you in interior do not sell, so reserve on the Internet...

02.06.2005, 19:50
Picnic On the Roadside

Professional it is better. For salonnogo uses. But them try to not sell the mere mortal without spets knowledge them better and to not use. They are calculated on a concrete problem. And between lines for home care and shaneljami- the basic difference is not present, IMHO. I judge or I shall narrow on agents for hair. At Velly a smart line of agents for stacking, and all is exclusive for interiors.