
Просмотр полной версии : Cleanings of the face do not bring desirable result

21.04.2005, 13:30
I can not get rid from pryshchikov on a forehead in any way and acnes. Cleanings of the face in beauty salons do not bring desirable result, on the contrary, later certain time of a pore of the face have extended also a status of a skin has worsened. Has ceased to visit or attend a beauty salon, being afraid to put or render to a skin even greater harm. What kind of cleaning could approach or suit in my case at the mixed type of a skin, moreover the complicated output or exit of contents of a pore, hypodermic Adeps literally yellow color and dry. To me of 18 years.

02.06.2005, 03:30

Responded already, but from for failure - the answer is lost: (: (

You can try or taste the Ultrasonic peeling (UZ cleaning) is a soft purification or ablution of a skin by Ultrasonic waves under which action, leave otmershie cells and a dim complexion. Such cleaning approaches or suits practically to everything, this soft and noninvasive influence.

You also will accept cleaning with fruit acids and kometolog can recommend such peeling (fruit) for house ispolzvanija.

In occasion of the extended pores - pay attention to a delivery - t.k it plays not last role in a status of a skin.

Yours faithfully,