Просмотр полной версии : Laser photoepilation at a hirsutism

19.04.2005, 17:09
Hello, the doctor! At me a hirsutism. The reason of the raised or increased body height of hair are not revealed yet, but I would like vse-taki to remove hair on some sites. There is such method, as a laser photoepilation. It would be desirable to learn or find out, how you estimate or appreciate efficiency of this method, and whether it is necessary to me to delete now hair, can be is better wait for results of inspection? Thanks big for the answer.

02.06.2005, 03:00

Excuse for long absence, on a server there was a failure, actually have responded for a long time.

For results of inspection to wait it is necessary. Without them, in the first the competent expert should not take you on procedure, and in the second - can spend simply money in vain.

In the second, there is separately laser and separately a photoepilation. But garantirovanno the effect is given with an electroepilation. The photo and a laser epilation dear or expensive enough methods, but they do not guarantee, that dstignutyj the effect will be long-term. In 5-6 years at you can the hormonal balance of an organism will change and voloski can start over again to grow.

Among other things it is necessary to give the report, that Electro, laser and the photoepilation, is physiotherapeutic methods of influence on an organism,
Which to which it is necessary to resort accurately.

Try or Taste a wax epilation! On a regular basis deleting voloski this method, you reduce their quantity or amount, thickness and okrashennost. By experience of many our clients, and simply familiar, after passage of a photo and laser depilation, all came back to usual wax.

Yours faithfully,