Просмотр полной версии : Demodekoz

08.11.2004, 14:20
Hello, more recently I on the face had rashes which become aggravated by the evening. The nNO?aO-cosmetician has diagnosed - the hypodermic tick or mite demodeks. Has written out treatment - the talker by whom do or make to order in a drugstore, a cream demalan, a mask for the face " sektery beauty ", but nothing has helped or assisted. Rashes are multiplied. Tried or tasted independently ointment Benzylium of Benzoas, in the morning like it is visible nothing, and in the evening again. Prompt what to do or make. In the Internet has found the Chinese treatment - cream Ksin Fumanling and soap Akarid on a site www.demodex.ru, but cost of a course simply rabietic. Whether you heard about these agents and whether it is necessary to reserve them? Thanks

11.11.2004, 01:09

We already had a question on your subject.

http: // forum.nedug.ru/showthread.php? s = and threadid=14694

We hope, that the answers placed under this link to you will help or assist.

Yours faithfully,