Просмотр полной версии : The skin became quaggy, dim, there were cicatrixes from pryshchikov

14.09.2004, 10:17
Hello! To me 27 years, I nurse malyshku (year and 9 mes), and problems with a skin as at the teenager - pryshchichki, rasshirenye pores, black tochechki. Thought, that with a birth of the child the skin will look or appear better, but... Alas and ah. Periodically I visit or attend the cosmetician (cleaning, masochki), but often it is impossible - a lot of time is necessary for spending with the child. I use cosmetics from MARY KAY (2 years), but desirable results has not achieved. On a line of the gynecologist and gastro-interologa all OK. At me the mixed type of a skin, after pregnancy on temples and in the field of cheljust-an ear began to appear pryshchiki - very deep, morbid ("sit" under a skin, and white "head" does not appear). The skin of the face became quaggy, dim, there were cicatrixes from pryshchikov. What to do or make, how to be? Even being at teenage age I did not face such problems. Help or assist!!! Advise!!! Can any cosmetic agents or procedures. Thanks vsek who will respond.

21.09.2004, 01:17
Dear INNA!

It is necessary for you to pay attention to yours gormnalnyj a background, and to replace cosmetics. The cosmetics of the given firm, for you does not approach or suit, especially during the given period of time (the period of a lactemia) when the hormonal background differs from a hormonal background of the woman during the usual period of time. With a quaggy and dim skin it is possible to struggle by means of a combination professinalnogo and home care. Cosmetics to pick up better by means of the cosmetician or the adviser in a drugstore.

Yours faithfully,