Просмотр полной версии : The doctor at me the problem skin inclined to education of spots. After them it is daring...

04.08.2004, 11:59
The doctor at me the problem skin inclined to education of spots. After their excision I still has on a skin red maculae. What will advise?

04.08.2004, 21:41
KLEO, greetings;) I, have recommended to you to buy or purchase liniju-Aven-from line Klinans-purification or ablution + a cream for problem, angry the skin + thermal vodichku/which can use some time in den-puttings off or taking out vospolenija, a turgor, and simply comfortable status of a skin within day.:)
Pishiet if, something is not clear! I wait:) Tata Anatolevna

05.08.2004, 20:42
Many thanks for a prompt reply!